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Raccolta by Karin

38 Tour

106:27 h

462 km

16.020 m

Wanderungen in und um Leogang in Österreich - Urlaub im unserem Lieblingsurlaubszuhause dem Biohotel Rupertus

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  1. 2021 Asitz - Saalachtaler Höhenweg Ost - Durchenkopf - Leogang - Hütten

    18,0 km
    4,4 km/h
    340 m
    1.230 m

    Start at the mountain station of the Asitzbahn and then follow the signs to Saalachtaler Höhenweg Ost. Right at the beginning we "collect" the 3 peaks - Großer Asitz / Scharbergkogel / Geierkogel, each of which offers a wonderful view of the surrounding mine. You should definitely stop at the Naturkino

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  2. 02:03
    8,48 km
    4,1 km/h
    160 m
    160 m
  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 04:14
    18,5 km
    4,4 km/h
    640 m
    620 m

    At the beginning of our hiking holiday in Austria we hiked from Hütten (district of Leogang) through the Schwarzleotal and actually wanted to go to the Stöcklalm (at the middle station of the Asitzbahn) but then only did one round through the Schwarzleotal because of tree felling work. Copper mining

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  5. Today up the mountain despite the rain. After a beautiful root path through the forest, it continues from the Forsthofalm on comfortable forest paths to the middle station of the Asitzbahn. From there it goes back up through forest paths to the mountain station. Because of the dense rain clouds, we saved

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  6. From the Asitzbahn mountain station, don't take the same path down again ... so from Richtig Matzalm, Leogang Pirzbichl - for a long time quite unexciting (because unfortunately no great view because of the rain clouds) on wide forest trails downhill. Then follow the junction to Asitzbahn middle station

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  7. Today finally no rain - let's go on the "mandatory hike" for our Leogang stay - the hike to the Birnbachloch. Starting from the hiking car park in Ullach, it goes uphill over beautiful hiking trails over meadows and forest, occasionally crossing the Birnbach or its tributaries.


    In the past, ice was broken

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  8. Past the old bath house it went the right path over the Schlemmeralm over forest and forest paths up to the Riedlalm.


    Part of our small hiking group stayed there with delicious food.


    Alternatively, you could climb the Riedlspitz - first on wide hiking trails, then on narrow paths uphill to enjoy a beautiful

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  9. 01:58
    8,33 km
    4,2 km/h
    350 m
    350 m
  10. 01:29
    6,30 km
    4,2 km/h
    190 m
    210 m

    Today finally a little rain break ... quickly with the Asitzbahn up and on the Panoramaweg (because of the rain clouds this time unfortunately without the otherwise wonderful view) over the great Asitz (1,914m) over the Scharbergkogel (1,888m) and the Geierkogel ( 1,853m) back to the mountain station

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  11. Despite yesterday's relaxed lap around the lake, the hiking group didn't want to tackle any vertical meters today ...


    So along the Pirzbichlweg to Leogang and from there to the Sinnlehenalm. We didn't want to take the same way back and therefore turned left - supposedly towards Madreit, but apparently

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  12. Start again at the mountain station of the Asitzbahn - follow the signs to Saalachtaler Höhenweg West and turn right before the reservoir at Asitz. The alternative route over the Wildkarkogel is definitely worth it - great views on both sides. Slightly below the ridge, it goes on narrow paths partly

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  13. Today a detour to the Scheltaualm - nice route, as the asphalted side road is left from the Rastbodenbauern and you go uphill on lonely hiking trails through the forest and over meadows - after the Scheltaualm you can also descend to the Lindlalm, therefore a very nice alternative route to the Lindlalm

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  14. 02:48
    11,9 km
    4,2 km/h
    180 m
    1.060 m

    Il primo giorno della nostra vacanza a Leogang ce la siamo presa con calma. Abbiamo prima preso la funivia dell'Asitz fino all'Asitz e poi abbiamo percorso il sentiero panoramico e di caccia. Questo è stato seguito da un riposo nell'Asitzbräu. Rinvigoriti, siamo poi andati alla stazione intermedia. Ci

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    462 km
  • Durata
    106:27 h
  • Dislivello
    16.020 m

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