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Ruislip Road Rides


Ruislip Road Rides


Ruislip Road Rides

Raccolta by Jake

13 Tour

47:31 h

1.024 km

8.800 m

A collection of road rides starting and finishing in Ruislip, West London. Most of these routes punch out south or west to take advantage of the country lanes and avoid heavy traffic as much as possible.To help you plan and make the correct bike choice, I rode these routes on a road bike with 28mm tyres so.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. NHT | LHR

    49,1 km
    20,7 km/h
    300 m
    310 m
  2. 02:35
    57,0 km
    22,1 km/h
    320 m
    330 m
  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 08:12
    162 km
    19,8 km/h
    1.460 m
    1.440 m
  5. 05:02
    109 km
    21,6 km/h
    1.210 m
    1.220 m
  6. 02:30
    61,2 km
    24,4 km/h
    370 m
    360 m
  7. 08:34
    177 km
    20,7 km/h
    1.470 m
    1.480 m

    Giro da brivido, ben fatto!

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  8. 05:06
    110 km
    21,6 km/h
    890 m
    880 m
  9. 01:59
    48,8 km
    24,7 km/h
    430 m
    420 m
  10. 01:29
    36,0 km
    24,2 km/h
    260 m
    260 m

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.024 km
  • Durata
    47:31 h
  • Dislivello
    8.800 m

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