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Nachhaltig Radeln in Österreich (Fokus Stmk)


Nachhaltig Radeln in Österreich (Fokus Stmk)


Nachhaltig Radeln in Österreich (Fokus Stmk)


28 Tour

108:29 h

1.984 km

10.700 m

hier finden sich nur Touren, die per ÖBB (oder anderem öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel) zumindest in eine Richtung (manchmal auch in beide Richtungen) angefahren wurden

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  1. ÖBB-Tour #7/2022 Bhf. Feldbach Leibnitz Graz Radwegecombo R45-R2-R43-R2-R6-R2 oder ENDLICH REGEN!

    94,7 km
    19,4 km/h
    360 m
    280 m

    Il programma per oggi, con bel tempo al massimo dalle 11:00 e un massimo di 27 gradi intorno alle 16:00, era il seguente: con l'ÖBB da Raaba a Feldbach e da lì in bicicletta sulla R45 Gleichenbergerradweg via Bad Gleichenberg a Donnersdorf, lì sulla R2 Murradweg fino a Misselsdorf e qui girare a destra

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  2. Ci siamo sentiti come se fossimo ancora una volta gli unici motociclisti in giro in lungo e in largo senza elettricità - ok, non c'erano davvero molti motociclisti sulla strada oggi.

    I primi 52 km sono stati estremamente pianeggianti e fantastici da guidare e si potevano fare molti metri. ;-)

    Dopo di che

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Che splendida giornata ancora una volta.

    Molto tardi quest'anno siamo finalmente riusciti a salire di nuovo sul treno e questa volta abbiamo guidato per 3 ore intere (o almeno quasi) fino al cambio di Tauch-Schaueregg. Anche se eravamo a casa presto, a causa del viaggio in treno, siamo partiti in sella

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  5. tempo utilizzato,

    colazione intonacata,

    ali tagliate,

    ÖBB usato!


    È stato bello e sostenibile!

    Sempre il mio piacere!

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  6. 03:19
    62,0 km
    18,7 km/h
    430 m
    720 m

    Tour de Mur, how could it be otherwise, I'm definitely not going alone.

    That's why my dearest treasure is there, and she drives her bike at least as far as Graz.

    We put it on very comfortably, today there were already 3 refreshments.

    So far, this cycle path is simply TOP, simply recommended and certainly not a flop.

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  7. 05:14
    100 km
    19,1 km/h
    580 m
    840 m

    Again a very nice stage, but not to be compared with the first stage. You don't see the Mur that often here, but 95% of the roads and paths are extremely traffic-calmed.

    Today we only had to shelter 3 times briefly because rain and hail were paying a visit, but that was always over very quickly ....

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  8. Very nice section with great shady passages and a stop at my parents' home in Stübing - thank you, it was great !!!

    Be careful not to follow my record between km 43 and 44, otherwise you will be in my parents' garden! ;-)

    Today we sleep at home again for one night, that's where it usually sleeps best! 😉😊😅

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  9. 04:14
    87,8 km
    20,7 km/h
    170 m
    310 m

    Done, finally checked into Bad Radkersburg after 4 days and put your feet up in the Parktherme! 😉😊

    We have ridden today's stage several times, but it is always very nice. Sunny passages alternate with shady floodplain paths, but we only really "burned out" on the last few kilometers before Bad Radkersburg

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  10. 03:03
    57,6 km
    18,9 km/h
    300 m
    350 m

    After arriving by train from Fürnitz, the first thing we did in Hermagor was our favorite pastry shop Semmelrock, where we treated ourselves to coffee and cake as a second breakfast.

    Our destination for today was the Gailtalradweg R3, which mostly goes along the Gail, but also makes good use of the valley

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  11. Short journey from our current vacation home in Faak am See to Fürnitz train station via the Finkensteiner Moor!

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  12. At the end of today's sustainable bike tour, we went from the main train station in Villach on a short sightseeing tour and the well-deserved moment of pleasure in the center at Cafe Rainer.

    Then we went back to the Drau cycle path R1, which we soon left in the direction of the Gailtal cycle path R3

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  13. Today was finally part of the beautiful Drau cycle path on the program.

    From our temporary holiday home on Lake Faak we went around the lake and then on a direct route to the Drau cycle path near Föderlach, from where we cycled upstream via Villach to Spittal. We took our well-deserved break in the city

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  14. What do you not do for your favorite person's birthday when they want a bike ride on their birthday? Well, you just go along and enjoy it! ;-)

    It all started with a hearty breakfast at Martin Auer's in Fernitz, which turned out to be a little longer due to a surprise visit, but was extremely beneficial

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  15. Once again on the road sustainably today, but differently than planned!

    The plan was for Wildon - R62 and R47 to Deutschlandsberg and R1 back to Leibnitz. Due to a massive bad weather front in the region of Deutschlandsberg, it became a shortcut variant from Wettmannstätten or Gussendorf via Sausal to

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  16. After we decided in the last few days to treat yourself to the ÖBB Vorteilscard for € 66 per person for a year, we took advantage of the beautiful weather today for our first ÖBB tour in 2021 to once again explore a new cycle path in Styria !

    And as is so often the case, we haven't regretted our decision

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  17. 03:18
    57,0 km
    17,3 km/h
    730 m
    720 m

    Questo giro intorno a Deutschlandsberg attraverso la Schilcherweinstraße faceva parte del programma di gnussradeln.at. A tal fine, le nostre mountain bike sono state ancora una volta utilizzate in modo improprio e poiché 41 km non sono sufficienti, abbiamo esteso il giro di circa 12 km attorno al punto

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  18. Questa volta le nostre mountain bike sono state "abusate" per la guida su strada e abbiamo proseguito sulle piste ciclabili R49 Mostwärtsradweg da Graz a Gleisdorf e R11 Raabtalradweg a Fehring. Ma devo ammettere che queste piste ciclabili estremamente a traffico limitato su questo percorso erano difficili

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  19. Giorno 9 del nostro tour attraverso l'Austria 2023:

    Questa volta abbiamo preso la storica Waldviertelbahn da Gmünd in 1h20min fino a Groß Gerungs e da lì attraverso la pista ciclabile Waldviertelbahn fino a Gmünd. Inizialmente la pista ciclabile si snoda ancora su normali strade statali, che la domenica

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  20. Oggi, con tempo libero perfetto, abbiamo iniziato il nostro tour consolidato sulla R2 da Graz a sud. Questa volta a Gosdorf, dove abbiamo mangiato il nostro pesto di verdure fatto in casa con quinoa e salmone, non lontano dalla Mur Tower, proprio sul Mur, e abbiamo raccolto nuove forze per i restanti

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  21. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.984 km
  • Durata
    108:29 h
  • Dislivello
    10.700 m

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