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Talsperren und Seen


Talsperren und Seen

Peter 🚴🏼‍♂️😎

Talsperren und Seen

Raccolta by Peter 🚴🏼‍♂️😎

39 Tour

99:42 h

1.425 km

7.810 m

Radtouren und Wanderungen zu Talsperren und Seen.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Radtour zur Grossen Dhünntalsperre

    91,5 km
    16,8 km/h
    490 m
    530 m

    Tour in bicicletta alla Dhünntalsperre via Refrath, Bergisch Gladbach, Vosswinkel, Scheuren, Eichholz, diga e ritorno via Odenthal e varie parti di Colonia.

    Da Eichholz alla diga e da lì al Dhünn si percorrono sentieri belli e talvolta un po' difficili.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 01:32
    7,30 km
    4,8 km/h
    30 m
    20 m

    Qualcosa per il flusso sanguigno venoso nelle gambe ;-) Una passeggiata da e per il Rotter See.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 03:02
    41,3 km
    13,6 km/h
    110 m
    110 m

    Bike tour to the Saaler Mühle in Alt-Refrath.

    The most beautiful sunshine but very cold.

    On the way back the sun was so low that one soon drove blind.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. 02:28
    44,2 km
    17,9 km/h
    380 m
    380 m

    Sunshine and pretty cold. But with the many inclines it got warm. However, the nose ran again ;-)

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. 01:52
    36,0 km
    19,3 km/h
    160 m
    160 m

    Directions see YT-Link



    Tradotto daVedi originale


  7. 01:16
    11,3 km
    9,0 km/h
    20 m
    20 m

    Hiked from the parking lot around the Scheuermühlenteich in the Wahner Heide. Then by car to the parking lot NSG Leidenhausen in the Wahner Heide and turned around the wildlife park there.

    For the journey between the two hikes, you can confidently deduct approx. 8 km from the 11.3 km and take the hike

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  8. 02:08
    33,8 km
    15,8 km/h
    190 m
    190 m

    Via Siegburg / Kaldauen to the Wahnbachtalsperre and then further into the Lohmar forest to the frozen Stallberger ponds and back via Wissem Castle, Troisdorf.



    Tradotto daVedi originale


  9. 02:19
    42,6 km
    18,4 km/h
    300 m
    320 m

    Because of the variety 😉 this time I circled the Wahnbachtal on the right via Siegburg, Kaldauen, Wahnbachtalsperre, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Deutsche Alleenstraße, Lohmar and Troisdorf.



    Tradotto daVedi originale


  10. 02:24
    40,4 km
    16,8 km/h
    180 m
    190 m

    Bike tour with Josef and Klaus K. via Seligenthal Abbey with a visit to the associated chapel, Wahnbach dam, Stallberger ponds in the Lohmar forest and Leyenweiher Troisdorf.



    Tradotto daVedi originale


  11. 04:13
    70,3 km
    16,6 km/h
    150 m
    130 m

    Bike tour via Groov / Zündorf, along the Rhine to Cologne and to Von-Diergardt-See Leverkusen. Circumnavigated and back.

    Van Diergardt Lake has a very nice sandy beach and very clean water. You can swim naked around the lake.

    Relive (3D video):



    Tradotto daVedi originale


  12. 02:27
    43,3 km
    17,6 km/h
    80 m
    70 m

    Bike tour to Bensberger See in Bergisch Gladbach near Bensberg, which is also known locally as Saaler Mühle.

    Relive (3D video):



    Tradotto daVedi originale


  13. Bike tour on the trail in the Siegburg-Brückberger forest, the Twelve Apostles in the Lohmar forest, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, close to the dam, the Seligenthal monastery, Buisdorf fish barrier, Siegburg and Troisdorf.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  14. Start in Troisdorf in fine weather. Later it became cloudy and very windy.

    Tour with Josef to the Wahnbach dam, through the Lohmar forest, Siegburg and Eschmar mill.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  15. 02:41
    46,9 km
    17,5 km/h
    360 m
    340 m

    With the wonderful weather today, I implemented an old plan: a tour around the Wahnbach dam. Except for the last few 100 m, the very muddy and slippery dam path, I used fixed bike paths.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  16. 02:37
    38,0 km
    14,5 km/h
    120 m
    130 m

    At the sun today I had to swing on my bike. Only the ears fell off in the cold; o)

    The tour went up the hill to the restaurant Sieglinde, to the monastery Seligenthal and the Wahnbachtalsperre. Then back past the fish pass Buisdorf and over Siegburg.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  17. 00:56
    8,74 km
    9,4 km/h
    50 m
    40 m

    A MTB tour around the Laacher See.

    Start was on the parking lot in Maria Laach on the L113. This is very close to the Laacher Lake and the starting there Rundweg. From there always follow the symbol 'Route L'. On the eastern shore, one can observe the CO2 gushing out of the manganese chambers of the crust in some places.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  18. 02:45
    38,1 km
    13,9 km/h
    120 m
    110 m

    Bike tour from Mendener bridge along the Sieg to Restaurant Sieglinde. Then through Seligenthal to the monastery Seligenthal and from there up to the Wahnbachtalsperre.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  19. 01:37
    19,4 km
    12,0 km/h
    40 m
    30 m

    Bike tour via Eschmarer mill to the Sieglarer lake with circuit. On the lake there is an island with cormorants.



    Tradotto daVedi originale


  20. 02:51
    10,6 km
    3,7 km/h
    180 m
    170 m

    Start of the hike is the parking lot P2 Wilder Kermeter in the Eifel National Park. From there it is about 5 km through the forest with many viewpoints downhill to the Urft dam. There you can fortify yourself for the way back in a restaurant.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  21. 03:37
    39,6 km
    11,0 km/h
    200 m
    230 m

    The bike tour started in Velbert-Langenfeld with subsequent circumnavigation of the Baldeneysee in Essen from Kupferdreh from Werden and back.

    The route around the Baldeneysee was level and easy to handle. The return trip to Langenberg, however, was mountainous.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  22. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.425 km
  • Durata
    99:42 h
  • Dislivello
    7.810 m

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