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Um Esslingen/Stuttgart rum


Um Esslingen/Stuttgart rum

Daniela E.

Um Esslingen/Stuttgart rum

Raccolta by Daniela E.

28 Tour

65:42 h

252 km

4.180 m

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  1. von Sonnenberg zum Marienplatz ☺️

    11,4 km
    4,1 km/h
    230 m
    390 m

    Premiere oggi con il

    Biglietto da 9 euro e grazie a Heidi ha vissuto un brillante tour di Stoccarda 🤩👍🏻

    Ho prima preso l'autobus per Echterdingen e poi l'ho affidato alla guida competente ☺️

    Attraverso lo Schwälblesklinge fino al cimitero forestale, poi con la meravigliosa funicolare fino a Südheimer

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  2. A really idyllic valley.

    From Schmellbachtal it goes back over Mahdental.

    We had something specific to look at and immediately made a round of it and it is really worth it, a beautiful, varied forest, unfortunately the recording of the cycle path did not work, the number cannot be seen but today alone

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Una giornata perfetta da ragazze, sono andata a prendere mia nipote da Kindi e sono andata a Ludwigsburg a prenderla in negozio con l'obiettivo "City Star la ruota panoramica mobile più grande del mondo" 🤩 70m di altezza e 48 gondole chiuse..... gigantesco 👍🏻

    È stata un'esperienza ea volte davvero

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  5. 02:14
    9,13 km
    4,1 km/h
    240 m
    250 m

    It's really beautiful there and the marble run is also exciting for adults 😊

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  6. 01:00
    5,46 km
    5,5 km/h
    110 m
    90 m
  7. 01:04
    3,26 km
    3,1 km/h
    40 m
    40 m

    I just wanted to see it for myself and my back took part 🥳

    Was allowed to take pictures in the greenhouse and directly into the core 🤩

    Smelling stayed within the framework because everything is open and unfortunately it fades again 🤷‍♀️

    But still madness to see the largest flower in the world 🤩


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  8. 03:10
    7,13 km
    2,3 km/h
    170 m
    160 m

    Today finally the marble run with three of the grandchildren 🥰 So the 4 year old got his money's worth and was thrilled, the little one at 2 years old tried everything, but was overwhelmed in places and after 7 km only flat 🙈😂 and the baby slept well 😴

    The last four stations cannot be approached with

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  9. Ho portato le mele cotogne ai genitori di Esslingen e mi sono goduto il vicino Remstal 👍🏻☺️

    Dopo la mia battuta d'arresto in "C", oggi finalmente è ricominciato 🥳

    Molto comodo

    T-shirt meteo a 25 gradi sempre verso il sole 😎

    Un sogno 🤩.... ....

    Purtroppo non un unico sentiero ma puro sole 👍🏻☺️🙋‍♀️🙋🏼

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  10. Ho visitato di nuovo il vecchio datore di lavoro con Günter e Margot ☺️

    Attraverso la Körschtal passando per lo squadrone di cavalleria della polizia e ritorno, tutte strade forestali o asfaltate 🙈

    A Hohenheim gli irrigatori funzionavano dappertutto e c'era sempre un po' di ristoro. 💦

    Dopo che i nostri

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  11. Visited the University of Hohenheim again and saw what has changed again😊

    Worked there for many years and still curious and at the same time enthusiastic about how beautiful the gardens are still 🤩

    A visit is worthwhile at any time of the year, but the greenhouses are closed due to Corona and parking

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  12. 01:53
    7,12 km
    3,8 km/h
    10 m
    20 m

    After the visit to the hospital, get a little round of new thoughts 😊

    It's actually a bike route and you noticed that, but it didn't matter.

    The Nymphea is unfortunately closed on Saturday, at the moment, but otherwise absolutely a tip for families with small children, there are so many animals to see

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  13. 02:57
    12,0 km
    4,1 km/h
    270 m
    430 m

    Attraverso lo Schwälblesklinge fino al cimitero della foresta. Con la funicolare per Südheimer Platz. Da lì via Pfarrwegle fino all'Heslacher Wand e poi al Birkenkopf.

    Ritorno attraverso l'Hasenberg e la Karlshöhe fino alla cima di Marienplatz.

    E - siccome è mercoledì, ho fatto una breve visita al lapidario

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  14. Non proprio un'escursione 🙈 ma è così bella che voglio fare un po' di pubblicità 😁

    La mostra di Monet a Stoccarda nella Schleyer Halle è stata prolungata e va prenotata online ☺️👍🏻

    Ci sono stata con mia figlia e la nipotina di 5 anni ed è stato davvero fantastico, ingresso 22 euro, bambini fino a 6

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  15. 01:33
    6,76 km
    4,4 km/h
    130 m
    130 m

    Today Hannes took over a little tour 😊

    First of all, thank you very much for posting great tours and pictures to “Hannes” and letting us all participate 😊

    The Zenbus and highland cattle, and just the corner always looked so great that we wanted to see it in real life, and yes it is very worthwhile to

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  16. Today it was time to change tires and what to do if you have to wait there for some time 🤷‍♀️ walk logically 🏃‍♀️

    It was cloudy but still beautiful, just wonderful how the Filder Plain changes with the seasons. The farmers are currently planting as much as they can 🥬🌽🧅🥔🥦 And actually more planes

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  17. Across the fields from Bonlanden to Harthausen and Wolfschlugen and back 😀

    First you have the side of Stuttgart and Esslingen on the horizon and on the way back the Swabian Alb 🤩

    If I hadn't thought like that, it was really nice to have a friend by the side to chat and the sun made it a perfect day 👍🏻☺️🙋‍♀️

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  18. 01:55
    6,47 km
    3,4 km/h
    150 m
    150 m

    Oggi sono andata a trovare mia madre nella casa di cura e quando pioveva solo al 70% ☔️andiamo nella città dove sono nato e cresciuto, nonostante la pioggerellina è sempre bello rivedere vecchi ricordi 🤩 sull'Höhenweg sono rimasto sorpreso da quanti sono corsi su, tutti con le borse piene di alcol

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  19. Today I ran a knitting pattern 😊

    With a grandchildren in the blooming Baroque in Ludwigsburg.

    Just a beautiful park, there is a sand sculpture exhibition and the pumpkins 🎃 exhibition 🤩 at the moment

    Water worlds is the topic and you are always fascinated by the creativity behind it.

    Today we were actually

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  20. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    252 km
  • Durata
    65:42 h
  • Dislivello
    4.180 m

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