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dahoam is dahoam


dahoam is dahoam


dahoam is dahoam

Raccolta by Martin

25 Tour

98:24 h

540 km

8.300 m

aafach amol nou geh und ouschaua
freit mi wenn’s dou seid!
Allmächd na,
Franken - wos ma so heard und sachd
Zu Franken gehören im Wesentlichen die Bezirke Oberfranken, Unterfranken und Mittelfranken in Bayern, der nordöstliche Bereich der Region Heilbronn-Franken, Tauberfranken und Hohenlohe-Franken in Baden-Württemberg sowie Südthüringen und kleinere Teile Hessens.Die Franken (sinngemäß „die Mutigen, Kühnen“)Regierungsbezirke entstanden 1838. Mit dem Ende des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation wurde 1806 auch der Fränkische Reichskreis aufgelöst. Franken wurde damals dem Königreich Bayern zugeschlagen, nach und nach ging das gesamte Gebiet der heutigen fränkischen Regierungsbezirke in Bayern über.Franken sind ehrlich
Franken sied die aufrichtigsten Männer der Welt. Wahrhaftig und ehrlich. Während sie schweigen, hören sie dir aufmerksam zu. Manchmal dauert ihre Antwort ein bisschen, sie lassen sich eben gerne Zeit.
Franken ist bekannt und beliebt für seine kulinarischen Spezialitäten und besonderen Produkte, die untrennbar mit der regionalen Landwirtschaft, der Kultur und der typischen Landschaft verbunden sind.Die Franken haben ein ganz besonderes Verhältnis zu ihrem flüssigen Gold, wird es in vielen kleinen Familienbetrieben doch bereits seit Jahrhunderten liebevoll hergestellt. Echte Bierliebhaber sollten Städten wie Erlangen und Bamberg einen Besuch abstatten, denn diese sind für ihre Bier-Traditionen weltbekannt.

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  1. Tauberfranken - 🥾🎒🧢liebliches Taubertal

    19,9 km
    4,9 km/h
    260 m
    260 m
  2. Today's tour in the Steigerwald started in Hüttenheim with wine (-) mountain and forest share! Simply wonderful autumn color game in connection with clouds / sun and great views and far-reaching views!

    Unfortunately it was not possible to visit Schloss Frankenberg (major construction site) - the construction

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Main (Wein) Franken Tour - Vineyard and quarry panorama with AltStadtBummel Ochsenfurt am Main


    After two frosty nights in Lower Franconia, the greatest nature and autumn magic was gone, the vines and trees have lost their clothes🍂!

    It was nice anyway, the day gone far too quickly

    in Franconia❤️


    Many thanks

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  5. At the start of the 🅿️1 in Randersacker, the sun welcomed us with its rays 🌞 full of joy! and accompanied all day ...


    After a short Randersackersightseeing with many beautiful facades and the Church of St.Stephanus, our first ersten Way of the Cross up to the Maria-Pain-Chapel in the vineyard.


    In the

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  6. MorgenSun 🌞 soak up the sun in Middle Franconia ...

    Beautiful and sunny round on the edge of the Frankenhöhe in Rothenburg o. D. Tauber with the tower path and the old town!

    🅿️ train station - was free


    Most of the paths, streets, alleys and on the city wall are paved and easy to walk.

    Since the tourists

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  7. I have the two KitzingerLand dream rounds (there are a total of 15 pieces)

    Abtswind (8.3km)

    Castell (12.3km)

    put together!

    In some cases, however, I also left the original route, which you don't have to do to walk them together!

    After bad weather, (water) sturdy shoes and possibly also sticks are recommended

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  8. Very nice hike in the landscape protection area and popular local recreation area on and on or over the Hesselberg.

    Hikable paths and paths, with views and foresight with lots of natural enjoyment,

    Simply wonderful to watch the many butterflies in the forest and on the meadows!

    (Butterfly names in the photos

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  9. 04:24
    23,0 km
    5,2 km/h
    340 m
    330 m

    Today we tried to coordinate:

    Biker 🚴‍♀️ - approx. 60km from a place on the "Fränkische Bocksbeutelstrasse" to "Weinlandkreis Kitzingen"

    Hikers 🥾🎒 - 23km Weinberg-Main circuit from / to Fahr

    🚙RadlerAbHoler (in) feeling hungry


    Meeting point "brown bear and white dove" in the vine arbor ...


    To increase

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  10. My third and last part, between 🐂Ochsenfurt and Würzburg, along the Main, had to wait a little longer, for whatever reason! (Part I Nov 20 / Part II Jan 21)

    Hoping to enjoy the splendor of colors again

    in time

    🚙 up and down 🥾 ...


    Hmm, I didn't need the paint box today, but I'm extremely untalented to

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  11. 💪 Sì, felice, orgoglioso e soddisfatto dopo le 16 a piedi, sono seduto nella pensilina dell'autobus alla stazione dei treni con un latte macchiato, mi sono perso le 20:10 🚂 (circa 30 min) e mi rilasso al sole della sera !


    Finora e finora non l'ho ancora fatto, un'escursione tra boschi, campi e vigneti

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  12. Alla fine dell'ottobre "d'oro" qualcosa di completamente diverso -

    "Vino.Bella.Terra!" Franconia


    più specificamente,

    Franconia principale (Bassa Franconia)



    Quasi due anni fa ho percorso questo giro una volta, con ricordi abbastanza piacevoli, ma mi sono concesso alcune modifiche al percorso e

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  13. On my tour through the Steigerwald, on the occasion of my nephew's confirmation, I came across 25 ponds, lakes and ponds, and there was also a trout farm, which can often be seen in the village and landscape in Franconia!

    Often several lined up on a chain, on the outskirts or in the village!


    ... the carp

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  14. Before I visited my parents for donuts and coffee in the Middle Franconian part of the Steigerwald, I did this tour in the Lower Franconian-Upper Franconian part of the Steigerwald!

    I've been walking the tour for almost 2 years now, it's time to start this adventure!


    The Steigerwald is also in its hibernation

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  15. I made my way to the castle ruins on the short, but earthy, steep path (according to komoot 0 meters in altitude) and looked at my clothes nicely!

    So this adventure was over quickly!

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  16. Home vacation in Franconia

    Part 1


    European watershed path Frankenhöhe (section) and the 3 Altmühl origins


    Jutti inspired me with a tour from the beginning of the year

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  17. Home vacation in Franconia part 2


    Tour in the Steigerwald Southern Nature Park


    Old sandstone quarry - Schenkensee (totally overgrown) - Großer Wolfsee - Methuselah oak book - Lookout tower on the Hüßbachleite - Wolfsee Start from P&R Bahnhof Markt Bibart


    After the rain 🌧 tour yesterday the rain-free window

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  18. Home vacation in Franconia

    Part 3 (last part)


    Steigerwald - WeinBergWaldRunde with Steigerwald Panoramaweg section



    Old town Iphofen with city wall and gates - master kitchen hut - terroir f - grotto with statue of Mary - Birkensee - Schwanberg / St. Michaelskirche - panoramic view from Schwanberg

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  19. Mentre mi trovo davanti a Bambärch in un ingorgo 🚚🚗🚙🚛🚌🚕🚐 e compare il cartello sul ciglio della strada "Bamberg - Patrimonio dell'UNESCO", penso tra me e me, perché no...


    Non riuscivo a trovare un 🅿️ gratis in fretta, così ho deciso di rivolgermi al Tribunale Regionale Superiore, luogo ombra

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  20. Wonderful vacation day hike in your native Middle Franconia!

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  21. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    540 km
  • Durata
    98:24 h
  • Dislivello
    8.300 m

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