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Die Rhön 😍


Die Rhön 😍

Astrid 🌍

Die Rhön 😍

Raccolta by Astrid 🌍

43 Tour

113:48 h

559 km

14.460 m

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  1. Schwarzes Moor -Wie-in-einer-anderen-Welt-Tour 💭🥰☀️

    3,27 km
    5,6 km/h
    0 m
    10 m

    That went today between two appointments in the Rhön 😃

    I had everything I needed with me 🫖🥯🥾🧤 ...

    Schwarzes Moor - short tour, short description: it was like being in a dream landscape, in a dream, so surreal ... Hoar frost on the paths ⛸ where the ☀️ had not yet reached and slippery 🙈 The landscape was dreamy !! 🥰☀️

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  2. Long Rhön - iniziato allo Schornhecke poco dopo le 10:00, prima in salita verso lo Steinkopf (uno Steinkopf diverso rispetto a domenica scorsa 😎). Molto bello lassù e anche un bel percorso di ritorno attraverso la foresta. Dal colle successivo, dove la neve è ancora tenace, sono arrivato all'"Hochrh

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Had a visitor very early this morning ... But he was more fixated on finding frogs and didn't want to come with me. What he missed: teepees, blooming beauties, chilled and curious cows 🐑sheep, splendid bantams 🐓, uncovered tables, a quiet, quiet Lake Guckaisee (in February there was a Sunday “party

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  5. Today from the other side around Poppenhausen. WoT planned the tour 😊 and once again a very nice tour! I knew the way up to Guckaisee, from there came what I want to add to my favorite tour in 2022 (Poppenhausen - Guckaisee - Eube - Poppenhausen), because it feels like it's getting shorter and shorter

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  6. You have to experience the sunset on the book screen (just like the sunrise on the Milseburg) 😃

    A really nice tour including sections of the "Hilderser". First over the Auersburg with great views, on to the head (the last time there was really high snow here, not today heute). Down towards Simmershausen

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  7. We started at P Schwedenwall. The new arrival was announced. First of all: they have proven themselves! First in the direction of the Red Moor to the quarry, without knowing that it was not who I wanted to go and then I also had to find out that I had already been there on another tour🙈

    So we ended up

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  8. 03:48
    15,6 km
    4,1 km/h
    520 m
    510 m

    The entrance in Poppenhausen at the cemetery or the alpaca meadow 😉

    Past the swimming pool and sports field towards Abtsrodaer Kuppe. Varied through meadows and forest. Hedge courtyard left on the right, up on the left. The whole thing got steeper and slower ... 🤪 Great single trails in the forest

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  9. It's hard to believe that the sun could shine anywhere today (except above the clouds). But I just drove off and was lucky ☀️

    A little tour should be enough today. She was small and fine. Except for the first two km, the path was more like a wild boar swamp 🙈😂 It was nice to go up above the Schwarzbach

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  10. 01:52
    8,56 km
    4,6 km/h
    290 m
    290 m

    "Quickly" out again this afternoon. So drove to the local mountain because it was so close. P Milseburg was quite full, but you were alone on the ascent around the back. Actually blocked, so to speak on your own risk ... 😉

    Fantastic view, sun and hardly any wind. To get back to the parking lot, take

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  11. Dopo 5 giorni di costruzione in legno finalmente completata con successo (nuova terrazza 🤩) e come ricompensa ieri abbiamo potuto festeggiare un compleanno importante 🎉, stamattina abbiamo guardato il radar della pioggia... Tutto per metà selvaggio come annunciato 😎, quindi usciamo ! Parcheggiato

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  12. Gigantic distant views on the Eierhauck -

    Every two years the site (TrÜPl) is open to the former villagers and their descendants. It began with a memorial service for the former Kippelbach village residents. An entire village was relocated in 1937 because the OHL decided to create a military training

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  13. A very nice round, today with great visibility and simply great views. All prominent mountains/elevations of the primarily Hessian Rhön are visible on this round (I didn't list them all in the photos)🤩 Thanks for this good tip 😃🙏

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  14. Today it was finally her turn, the tour in the MKK-SLÜ circle. What the deep snow provided yesterday, the mud gave today, its best! 🙈 The first 6-7 km and the last km again. But as always, it was still fun. Haven't been to Ramholz for so many years (if you grow up in the southern FD district, you used

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  15. Iniziato intorno alle 10 a Obernüst, tra la chiesa ⛪️ e i vigili del fuoco 🚒 ero in buone mani 😄. Il tour, contrariamente alla mia sensazione di andare in senso antiorario, aveva pienamente senso e offriva panorami molto belli? (per quanto possibile a causa delle nuvole/nebbia). Dall'Ahornplatz, un

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  16. 02:39
    12,3 km
    4,6 km/h
    210 m
    230 m
  17. 02:28
    13,2 km
    5,4 km/h
    360 m
    360 m

    Cosa fai quando hai già svolto il lavoro del sabato di venerdì? Certo, escursionismo! Consiglio di un amico: percorri il percorso breve oggi e vedrai come funziona dopo la "C". Buona idea! 😃 Non ho bisogno di pianificare nulla. Obiettivo: TrÜbPl Wildflecken, è aperto a tutti oggi e domani. Atterrato

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  18. 02:32
    12,2 km
    4,8 km/h
    380 m
    380 m

    Yes, I admit it is a favorite tour of mine. I ran it in the (deep) snow in winter, in spring in May and in autumn (i.e. today). Now only the summer is missing, I will have to wait until 2022 😄.

    Start in Poppenhausen, over Tränkhof, Heckenhöfchen and Guckaisee up to and over the Eube. There is only one

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  19. 03:00
    14,5 km
    4,9 km/h
    430 m
    440 m

    Today the Thuringian Rhön again. After a pretty exhausting week, it had to be an extended tour in unknown regions again ... and the weather was also right 😃 The cliffs had been on my program for a long time. A nice tour all around ... The first highlight was the Glass Mountain with a very good view

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  20. A very nice tour in the vineyards of Ramsthal, the "Poetic Forest Trail".

    The path meanders through the vineyards all the way to the top. There you continue in the luckily shady and yet light-flooded pine forest, in which there are 17 panels with poems by various poets on the subject of forest and nature

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  21. Cosa potrebbe esserci di più ovvio quando hai il tuo ultimo appuntamento a Wüstensachsen che incontrare @Bergmädchen e fare un piccolo tour intorno al Black Moor o unirti al loro tour?! 😃

    Mi piace molto questo giro, semplicemente super bello. Per la prima volta li ho eseguiti al contrario, il che ha

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  22. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    559 km
  • Durata
    113:48 h
  • Dislivello
    14.460 m

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