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Pfälzer Wald (Ann on Tour)


Pfälzer Wald (Ann on Tour)


Pfälzer Wald (Ann on Tour)

Raccolta by Ann

31 Tour

143:59 h

624 km

19.780 m

Der Pfälzer Wald ist eine beeindruckende Wandergegend. Schöne Trail vorbei an beeindruckenden Felsformationen und vielen Burgen.
Man kann die Touren zu jeder Jahreszeit laufen.

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  1. Pfälzer Wald - Tag 1/4: Rumbergfelsen - Ruine Lützelhardt - Wachtfelsen - Arnsburg - Zigeuerfelsen - Wasigenstein

    21,1 km
    4,3 km/h
    660 m
    670 m

    Vacation with my daughter until Wednesday. There will be more tours to come when we get out of the depths of the dead spots 😋.


    The basis for the 4-day tour was the "Dahner Sagenland" which we come across again and again. Originally I wanted to start at the treetop path in Fischbach, but there was no

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  2. The decision in favor of the Palatinate Forest was made at short notice - the reason was the better weather forecasts,

    A multi-day tour based on the Dahner Sagenweg with a few extras 🙃 was already planned and so I expected Leo to have big problems.

    But first there was the search for accommodation - I

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. About today's TOUR:

    We started in Bundenthal and initially followed the FELSENLAND SAGENWEG. We walked along the flat stones, a mighty, multi-part rock reef, on the southeast side of which the entertaining geological nature trail also leads along. At the hunting lodge we left the path (because we were

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  5. Rocks, rocks, rocks ,,,

    At the end of our vacation we first followed the NAPOLEON STEIG (Retschelfelsen, Eisenbahnfelsen, Rauhberg to Napoleonfelsen).


    From there we followed the KAISER TOUR to the Büttelfels with a short detour to the Lämmerfelsen.


    Then we roughly followed the DAHNER FELSENPFAD or the BURG

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  6. On the way home, a little addition to the Palatinate Forest - extra round through Alsace with 6 castles:

    1. Schoeneck Castle: beautiful castle complex wrapped in fog - fantastic atmosphere

    2. Wineck Castle: only to be conquered by climbers

    3. Wittschloessel Castle: More rock than castle can be reached via

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  7. Oggi con bagagli pesanti al sito di trekking a Kalmit. Una netta differenza rispetto al tour di ieri... segue la messa a punto.

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  8. Tour molto bello e vario con molti sentieri e punti salienti sia culturali che panoramici. Consiglio vivamente gli Heidenfels ei Nonnenfels, ma anche la cava romana "Krimhildenstuhl" e le rovine del monastero... guardate solo le foto. Bello che tu fossi lì @Christian e @Schlafwondler è stata una giornata fantastica

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  9. Con il Ruftaxi siamo andati al punto di partenza la mattina presto un ottimo servizio, non posso che consigliarlo a tutti. Dopo solo pochi metri si va a Dimbach direttamente nel bosco fino al Falkenstein e lì lungo il grande sentiero Dimbacher Buntsteinhöhenweg fino al Rötzenfelsen. All'inizio di marzo

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  10. Sopravvissuto bene alla prima notte nella foresta ;-) È stata un'ottima esperienza. Grazie @Grit Ciani per essere rimasto con noi. Sicuramente molto utile per la prossima avventura tra 2,5 settimane.

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  11. COLLEZIONE My Palatinate Forest:



    Ho camminato diverse volte sul Burgenweg franco-tedesco, ma è semplicemente fantastico. Bellissimi sentieri, rocce spettacolari e tanti castelli. Oggi abbiamo percorso il circuito occidentale. Avevo scelto il Wachtfelsen come luogo per il tramonto

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  12. I can recommend the Palatinate Forest to everyone. Very varied route. Mostly beautiful root forest paths.

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  13. Another fantastic tour.

    Unfortunately, the gate of the Madenburg was still locked when we arrived shortly before 10 a.m. and unfortunately it didn't say when it would open. I was there in August last year, a really beautiful castle. But whatever, we have to move on. Via Klingenmünster we went to Landeck

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  14. 04:46
    17,9 km
    3,7 km/h
    740 m
    740 m

    Yes you are right. Was in the area for the first time on New Year's Eve 2020 and have only been waiting for the right weather since then. Sandstone, snow and blue sky just a great combination. I didn't expect the icicle galleries at all. Once again, making a selection from the photos was not easy.


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  15. 05:42
    22,7 km
    4,0 km/h
    720 m
    710 m

    Interim balance after 4 months:

    Hiked over 1,400 km and 31,500 meters in altitude. 🥾🥾🥾


    Without Corona, I would certainly not have been able to do this - one of the few positive aspects of the current crisis besides the home office.

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  16. Combination of different hiking trails. Through the southern wine gate we went into the vineyards to Wissembourg, a beautiful little town in Alsace. We zigzagged through the city to see everything. We continued along beautiful trails along the Lsuter and the forest to the Gutenberg ruins. My first lizards

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  17. La Foresta del Palatinato è sempre un sogno. Questa era una combinazione di 2 sentieri escursionistici premium, il "Lemberger-Graf-Heinrich Weg" e il "Felsenwald". Quest'ultimo ci è piaciuto molto di più. Non avevo nemmeno notato il castello di Ruppertstein in quanto tale e il castello di Lemberg ha

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  18. Thank you MoLa for your suggestion to go to the Palatinate Forest today and to invite Schlofwanderer as well.

    I was on my own for the first part to Ramberg, but the timing was perfect again. At the Orensfels Christian joined them.

    It was a wonderful time with you.


    There are currently too many photos. Try

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  19. Altre impressioni dalla Foresta del Palatinato nella mia collezione: komoot.de/collection/1826202/-pfaelzer-wald-ann-on-tour

    ➜ un paradiso per escursionisti - semplicemente TOP.


    Dopo che il tempo è migliorato, abbiamo fatto spontaneamente un secondo piccolo giro di prova. 😜


    L'altopiano dei Drachenfels

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  20. Altre impressioni dalla Foresta del Palatinato nella mia collezione: komoot.de/collection/1826202/-pfaelzer-wald-ann-on-tour

    ➜ un paradiso per escursionisti - semplicemente TOP.


    Le previsioni del tempo non erano delle migliori e così abbiamo deciso di fare un piccolo giro oggi. I 3 castelli fanno qualcosa

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  21. Grazie Schlofwandler per la pianificazione e la fantastica giornata. A presto, non vedo l'ora.


    Puoi trovare un'ottima descrizione del tour su Schlofwandler.

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  22. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    624 km
  • Durata
    143:59 h
  • Dislivello
    19.780 m

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