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Raccolta by Weze

35 Tour

76:18 h

1.211 km

22.360 m

Radrundtouren ab Neu-Anspach mit dem Feldberg ganz nahe

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  1. Hochtaunus: Bachrundtour über Neu-Anspach - Wilhelmsdorf - Winden - Rod an der Weil Mi1.9.2021

    45,5 km
    14,6 km/h
    880 m
    860 m

    I wanted to accompany some of the Taunus brooks, and so it started in Wilhelmsdorf with the Laubach, quasi from the source via Laubach and Gemünden to the confluence with the Weil, further following the Weil to Winden, from there to the Leistenbach upwards Cycle towards the source on the Scheid (408m

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  2. The classic saw was due today. Almost 1000 meters up and down in wonderful August weather with a mild breeze. Nevertheless, the shady passages under the roof of the Taunus Forest made of beech and oak crowns were welcome. The route was not "without", I was challenged, but you can occupy this and that

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Accompagnato dal canto dell'allodola in aperta campagna, dalla pula, dal fringuello e dalla capinera nella foresta, il giro è stato particolarmente divertente. Ho cantato insieme una volta, ma era strano che all'improvviso fosse diventato silenzioso.

    La Marienkapelle, questo sito storico documentato dal

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  5. Volle Kanne with Captain Uli over Wilhelmsdorf to the almost hidden Michelbach and over the Wilhelmsberg to Usinger Binzelberg and up to Oberloh in Wehrheim. Great lap. Unfortunately no time for barley hop drink afterwards, speed makes you thirsty. Great thirst!

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  6. 01:52
    30,2 km
    16,2 km/h
    430 m
    450 m

    Brisk to the Limes, (Limes hiking trail or adventure trail) to cycle to Kapersburg and the Ockstadt castle, mainly in beautiful beech forest, along traditional forest trails. "In the weir wood" it was more demanding, standing up on the pedals was the order of the day.

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  7. The aim of the small round was to circumnavigate the Hardtküppel near Emmershausen in order to then cycle home via Gemünden and Laubach via the earth station. At the Hardtküppel it goes through beautiful oak and beech forest above Emmershausen, below the Wilstalradweg. Again and again it has beautiful

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  8. The goal was the rent wall on the Hirtenberg in Rod an der Weil, in order to then cycle around the Eichelberg on this educational trail. The penumbra in the forest was welcome, as it was really summery. The scent of fresh hay rose in the meadows on Birkenbach. It smelled wonderfully here and there of

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  9. Towards the source area of the Michelbach via forest paths and then via Donnersberg to Bodenrod. It wasn't exactly fun in the actual spring area because the path was not passable there. Well, just push it a few meters. Of course there is also a more convenient way to Bodenrod. Nevertheless, adventure

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  10. Up until then it mainly went through beech and oak forest through the Weihersgrund up to the Heidenstock small fort. Then swoop over to the Saalburg, which has opened its doors again.

    This year it has beautiful distant views over the Usinger basin to the Wetterau. Oh, what do I say to the Baltic Sea

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  11. Wonderful four hours of fun in the rear Taunus with grandiose views of the beautiful low mountain range. Where you feel like you're out and about all by yourself. And then the high cinquefoil! Oh, and the snake jaw at Hasselbach!

    Well, and there is still the nettle, which is now growing in the way and

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  12. Exceptionally cycled a good distance on the country roads, since there were hardly any cars or motorbikes. This round is not difficult, perhaps viewed from the meadow path on the Reisterbach, which is already stretching.

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  13. Flott went in at the foothills of the Taunus. I did not find it really tingling that in a large area between Köppern and Kapersburg the routes in the app were not digitized. Just where one way looks like the other. The "hiking map" mode did help a little, but it's good that I know that the sun dives

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  14. Merry up the Wilstal and over Oberreifenberg to the Red Cross. Then directissima ´on the Little Feldberg over toboggan run and Feldbergschneide with a strong pull on the handlebars. A relaxed lap around the mountain top. After a short break into the descent on the toboggan run. Without snow, but with

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  15. Up to the Taunus-Feldberg via Dorfweil and Sandplacken with a lot of kicking. It was then a rapid roll down to the depot. There was a lot of activity on the Großer Feldberg by walkers and hikers, but far more mountain bikers. I was the exotic with my e-trekking. It was windless up there and just beautiful

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  16. Via Obernhain to Saalburg and over the Thomasweg to Dillingen, then back to Mutti above the Köppener Tal cycle path along this passable loop. The goal was the Wall-Krause-Sommer-Hütte on Pelagiusplatz. The reward should be the prospect of Eschborn and Frankfurt. In between there was a mountain bike feeling

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  17. Quickly down into the Wilstal, where the wind caressed and did not bite. Then through the protection of the forest up to the Eichelberg. The one who invented the wind must have been waiting. Now it didn't matter whether I put my windbreaker on or leave it in my pocket. The weight was the same for the

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  18. The round led through the Bizzenbach valley in Wehrheim to the Winterstein and then to the Marienkapelle, and then home via the Usatal cycle path R6. Due to forest work in the area, it seems to me that there is not much as it was last autumn. My landmarks are no longer there. And since the paths look

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  19. I wish all "comoots" a MERRY EASTER!

    The truly beautiful and comfortable round through white spring dreams led in the rear Taunus over ´lauken and Laubach with blooming blackthorn bushes and wild cherry trees. The flowers have seldom been so untouched by frost, rain or strong wind as this year. The sun

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  20. A wonderful round to Maibacher Switzerland and then back via the Usatal cycle path R6. Varied through meadows and forests of the Taunus low mountain range.

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  21. Already gets down to business. But no trouble with my e-trekking bike. You will always be rewarded with fantastic distant views. Whoever goes up to the heights should take their time and linger. When the foliage turns green in a few days, the gorse blooms, the birds become even more diverse and louder

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.211 km
  • Durata
    76:18 h
  • Dislivello
    22.360 m

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