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Raccolta by Gabi

26 Tour

73:48 h

337 km

8.730 m

„Man muss nicht das Land verlassen, um neue Welten zu entdecken“.
Sonja Anvar
In Anlehnung an diesen Spruch haben wir viele Wanderungen im Südharz unternommen. Dabei faszinieren viele Touren durch abwechslungsreiche Karstlandschaften. Aber auch Felsformationen konnten wir bestaunen. Talsperren, Teiche, romantische Bachläufe und kleine Weiher bieten eine willkommene Abwechslung.
Neben diesen Highlights genossen wir den nahezu intakten, vielfältigen Mischwald.
Kleine, malerische Orte sind in der gesamten Gegend zu finden.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Über Steinbrüche zur Gipskarsthöhle „Kelle"

    11,7 km
    5,0 km/h
    230 m
    230 m

    L'obiettivo dell'escursione di oggi era la grotta carsica di gesso "Kelle". Prima di arrivarci, abbiamo fatto una deviazione alle cave di Himmelsberg e Mühlberg. La cava di Himmelsberg è ancora in funzione. Gli strati carsici di gesso a vista ci hanno deliziato nella cocente luce del sole.

    Su stretti

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  2. Dopo le numerose arenarie colorate, oggi è stato un paesaggio carsico circolare attraverso il gesso. Da Förste siamo partiti per la grotta del Lichtenstein e le rovine del castello di Lichtenstein. Un mare di aglio selvatico ci ha accolto nelle imponenti doline e doline. Passando diverse cave abbiamo

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 02:37
    13,5 km
    5,2 km/h
    200 m
    200 m

    In the sunshine we took on the karst hiking trail Walkenried-Ellrich today. The karst hiking trail led us past the Röse and Kalkteich ponds through a picturesque swamp area. We continued along the Wieda until we turned into the “Kahler Kopf” quarry. Through fields, forests and fields we passed other

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  5. 02:19
    11,3 km
    4,9 km/h
    440 m
    440 m

    Before the next low storm sweeps over us, we wanted to take advantage of the weather again. Again we went to the southern Harz.

    Start was the Ilfeld train station. Shortly along the Bere we hiked steeply uphill on the Harzer Dampfloksteig towards Gänseschnabel. Already on the ascent we were impressed

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  6. 02:35
    12,4 km
    4,8 km/h
    450 m
    450 m

    When the weather was glorious, we were drawn to the southern Harz. After the start in Sülzhayn, things immediately went uphill very steeply. A real lung examiner‼️As the first special feature, we reached the Holy Mountain Cliffs, a fantastic, moss-covered rock formation. Below the crest of the Holy Mountain

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  7. 02:25
    11,6 km
    4,8 km/h
    280 m
    270 m

    A very varied tour in the southern Harz karst area.

    Immediately after Hörningen we had a wonderful view from the saddle heads. Our next port of call was the disused quarry "Hohe Runde" on Hagenberg. Here we could marvel at a lot of bizarre plaster formations. Great!!!

    After a few off-grid sections we came

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  8. 03:10
    16,7 km
    5,3 km/h
    680 m
    1.050 m

    Right at the beginning of the tour, the steep porphyry rocks "Felsentor" are remarkable. Along the Lehnberg we then reached the Ebersburg castle ruins. From there we could enjoy a great view up to the Kyffhäuser. The further path led us over a beautiful high path, partly overgrown with gorse, towards

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  9. 02:45
    12,4 km
    4,5 km/h
    420 m
    420 m

    Today we were drawn to the southern Harz again. From the Ilfeld train station it went uphill to the goose beak. Already on the ascent we were impressed by a collection of large boulders. After the goose beak, the next highlights were the Ilfeld weather vane, the lower and upper Bielstein and the Kupfertalsklippe

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  10. Today we have taken on the southern Harz. From Appenrode we first went along the Ellerbach. Uphill, past blooming meadows, through a magnificent deciduous forest, we hiked over winding paths to the former stone mill. To the right and left of the Steinmühlental, we were impressed by various porphyry rocks

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  11. 02:48
    12,5 km
    4,5 km/h
    410 m
    410 m

    Great weather, let's go to Bad Lauterberg. First we hiked from the Kurpark parallel to the Oder to the dam. From there the path led us uphill to the Bismarck Tower. We could enjoy a snack we had brought with us here in the sun. We continued downhill and uphill to the local mountain. Nice view of the

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  12. We started at the stone church. Over the Steinberg, past the Jahn monument, we went through beautiful autumn forests. Shortly before the Einhornhöhle we marveled at the Rottstein cliff, which is well worth seeing. Einhornhöhle and the Scharzfels ruins were our next goals. After an extensive tour of the

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  13. 02:42
    12,8 km
    4,8 km/h
    130 m
    130 m

    We like the hike so much that we took the tour for the third time this year. This time we had our grandson with us. He was also enthusiastic. The golden autumn light is absolutely enchanting.

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  14. Very nice circular hike. The detour to the stone church, unicorn cave and Scharzfels castle ruins are worthwhile.

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  15. The winter called us to go on a snow hike in the Harz Mountains. As a round we had chosen the mountains around the climatic health resort Zorge. From the Zorg valley it went uphill on both sides. In addition to the gradients, the deep snow was a challenge. Sometimes we pulled the trail. A wonderful

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  16. 01:27
    5,94 km
    4,1 km/h
    190 m
    200 m
  17. 02:58
    13,0 km
    4,4 km/h
    260 m
    280 m

    Dopo tanto tempo siamo ripartiti per un'escursione nell'Harz meridionale. Dall'insediamento di Sophienhof siamo andati prima allo Stierbergsteich. Da lì, il Dammbach ci ha accompagnato sulle piste dell'HSB. Abbiamo camminato lungo i binari nella speranza di incontrare un treno. Poco prima della fine

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  18. 00:19
    1,42 km
    4,6 km/h
    20 m
    20 m

    Sulla strada per la nostra escursione nelle montagne meridionali dell'Harz, abbiamo fatto una sosta all'Ahorn Park Ilfeld. I colori brillanti dell'autunno erano impressionanti!

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  19. Oggi era di nuovo in programma un tratto del sentiero escursionistico carsico.

    Da Badenhausen abbiamo attraversato il Söse fino alle rovine di Hindenburg. Da lì abbiamo fatto un'escursione a Pagenberg. Dopo aver fatto una registrazione nel libro della vetta, abbiamo continuato la nostra escursione al

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  20. 03:59
    18,4 km
    4,6 km/h
    360 m
    360 m

    Dopo le escursioni nelle Alpi, oggi siamo andati nelle pianure ai piedi dell'Harz. I paesaggi carsici di gesso di Hainholz e Ührde sono nel nostro programma da molto tempo. Abbiamo iniziato a Beierfelde vicino a Osterode. Sul sentiero di cresta del Rötzel abbiamo potuto godere di panorami meravigliosi

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  21. 02:53
    13,5 km
    4,7 km/h
    130 m
    130 m

    Continuazione del sentiero escursionistico carsico dal tour di 2 giorni fa.

    Abbiamo iniziato a Osterode in direzione di Herzberg. Abbiamo attraversato il Kaiserteich, l'ex stazione ferroviaria meridionale, lo stagno Apenke fino al Teufelsbaden. Successivamente siamo andati al buco del diavolo e abbiamo

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  22. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    337 km
  • Durata
    73:48 h
  • Dislivello
    8.730 m

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