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Ángel Monge MTB Calderona

Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors
Informazioni su Ángel Monge MTB Calderona
Distanza percorsa

308 km

Tempo in movimento

21:11 h

Attività recenti
  1. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    30 gennaio 2021

    Náquera, portacoeli,Tristán, portacoeli,naquera

    43,2 km
    15,5 km/h
    960 m
    950 m
    1. 30 gennaio 2021

      Circular route leaving from Náquera that can also be done leaving from portacoeli.

      We take the road and go towards portacoeli approx at km 4 we take a path with no technical level that is attached to the road until we reach Portacoeli from there we go towards the font of the drop passing the portichol

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  2. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    25 gennaio 2021

    14,5 km
    10,9 km/h
    320 m
    350 m
    1. Investigation day on trails ending in folded back disc and home.

      Departure from the Náquera library towards the rise of pi del salt where we take a path that runs halfway down the slope (a not very technical path but with some steps where you will have to get off the bike) from there we take the ascent

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  3. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    21 gennaio 2021

    15,1 km
    13,6 km/h
    400 m
    390 m
    1. Náquera exit from the municipal library, where you can park. We start along the dragon path, a very beautiful and easy path, from there we link up with the climb to the Serra castle and we turn towards the montcudio going up to the yukon link from where we take the ascent to the Serra castle, crowning

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  4. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    19 gennaio 2021

    A piace questo.
    1. Beginning of the route in Náquera from where we go up to foals, we enter its path of descent into the Medium technical level (it runs between a stream, with some roots, loose stones and inclination) at the end we continue along the descent of foals and take another little path with little technical level

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  5. ha fatto un giro in bici.

    6 dicembre 2020

    14,2 km
    16,2 km/h
    320 m
    230 m
  6. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    22 novembre 2020

  7. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    11 novembre 2020

    1. Short route for medium level of km, but with some technical section.

      Departure from Nàquera, path of the dragon, ascent towards Montcudio, path of the yucon (technical ascent due to inclination and loose terrain due to the rains) link with the return to the mola de segart, return down the path of the

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  8. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    8 novembre 2020

    35,5 km
    15,1 km/h
    970 m
    990 m
    A piace questo.
    1. Round trip route along the same itinerary, leaving Nàquera, going up to foals, from there to Serra where we connect with the route to rebalsadores, without going up to its viewpoint we continue to the viewpoint of Tristan where we crown. Protocol photo and return to Naquera.

      100% cyclable route without

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  9. ha fatto un giro in MTB

    31 ottobre 2020

    1. Circular route with departure in Nàquera, ascent to foals and descent towards portacoeli, where I have recorded the short and fun path of the trail. From portacoeli we go up to the link of rebalsadores and we reach the snowfield of the ventical en rebalsadores (easy path), return to the descent of rebalsadores

      Tradotto daVedi originale
  10. ha pianificato un giro in MTB

    30 ottobre 2020

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