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Chrisb ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Rund um den Emser Berg


Rund um den Emser Berg

Rund um den Emser Berg

12,8 km
5,1 km/h
150 m
160 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
749 m
2,07 km
2,56 km
3,41 km
4,57 km
4,78 km
4,91 km
6,75 km
8,69 km
9,24 km
10,3 km

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12,8 km



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e hanno fatto un'escursione.

26 febbraio 2022


  • 27 febbraio 2022

    Of course it was planned differently. Actually, we wanted to go left from the Emser Berg in the direction of Merxhausen and then to the Weißenthals Mühle, aaaaber a wrong turn and it's going, uh, differently. Here 3 km more, there 3 again. The number 3 was our companion. 3 hours and 3 km at each junction

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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