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Gabriele ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Einmal um den Wurmberg herum 13.08.2021


Einmal um den Wurmberg herum 13.08.2021

Einmal um den Wurmberg herum 13.08.2021

12,5 km
4,7 km/h
310 m
310 m
  • Salva una copia di questo percorso

Riepilogo Tour

0 m
270 m
280 m
🤔ob man auf diesem Weg einen Sturzhelm braucht ⛑?
487 m
586 m
606 m
untere Bodefälle
1,19 km
1,44 km
1,67 km
2,57 km
4,01 km
5,68 km
6,09 km
7,00 km
7,03 km
7,49 km
8,17 km
8,61 km

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12,5 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

13 agosto 2021


  • 13 agosto 2021

    The goal of my tour today was actually the figure eight.

    The tour around the Wurmberg came about spontaneously when the single trail towards Achtermann was closed on the left side of the "warm Bode". So I decided to turn to the Wurmberg at the "Böser Hund" crossroads.


    I first came through the area of the

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 14 agosto 2021

    That's exciting information. A dune in the Harz Mountains! Temperature differences between the rivers.

    The rewetting of moors sounds hopeful.

    Hikes turn into tours of discovery. 🐿️🐀😃

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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