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Klementina ha pianificato questa avventura con komoot

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Cat Bells Classic - North Lake District


Cat Bells Classic - North Lake District

Cat Bells Classic - North Lake District

16,5 km
3,0 km/h
750 m
750 m
Percorso escursionistico per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Sentieri prevalentemente accessibili. Richiesto passo sicuro. Il punto di partenza del Tour è in prossimità di un parcheggio.

Riepilogo Tour

Cat Bells Parking

1,89 km


Highlight – Escursionismo

4,06 km

Maiden Moor

Highlight – Escursionismo

6,14 km

High Spy

Highlight – Escursionismo

9,16 km

Castle Crag

Highlight – Escursionismo

14,8 km

Withesike Bay

Highlight – Escursionismo

16,5 km

Cat Bells Parking




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Previsioni meteo


ha pianificato un'escursione.

4 agosto 2020


  • 30 agosto 2020

    What a beautifull part of the country to live in. I stayed at an air b&b in keswick last year and cat bells was one of the walks i atempted. I wasnt so fit then. Now ive got a decent bike i can go a lot further and stay healthy. This is one part of our country ill certainly return to 😊

  • 31 agosto 2020

    Well I only saw the view by the pictures for now.

    But I can't wait to go there as soon as I get away from work 🙂

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