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Dornröschendorf-Waldgeisterweg- Pfälzer Weinanbaugebiet rund um Oberotterbach 12.07.2020


Dornröschendorf-Waldgeisterweg- Pfälzer Weinanbaugebiet rund um Oberotterbach 12.07.2020

Dornröschendorf-Waldgeisterweg- Pfälzer Weinanbaugebiet rund um Oberotterbach 12.07.2020

15,6 km
4,6 km/h
590 m
590 m
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Punto di partenza
217 m
1,73 km

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15,6 km



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12 luglio 2020


  • 12 luglio 2020

    Oh, exhausting program with meters in altitude. Can Tobi still hold out?

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 12 luglio 2020

    Yes, he held out well today. We find that it is very sensitive to heat. This morning it was not so warm and in the afternoon we were more in the forest, where there were also small streams for drinking and cooling off.

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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