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Schwäbische Alb - Wanderungen


Schwäbische Alb - Wanderungen

Schwäbische Alb - Wanderungen

Raccolta by Sigrid

12 Tour

32:32 h

146 km

3.950 m

Urig, ursprünglich, urzeitlich. Auf der Schwäbischen Alb haben die Urmenschen damit begonnen, kulturelle Formen zu entwickeln. 40.000 Jahre später kann man nur stauen, was daraus geworden ist. Sechs Alb-Höhlen zählen zum UNSECO Weltkulturerbe. Im Mittelalter ließen die Herrscher an den schönsten Punkten Burgen und Schlösser errichten. Wilde Täler, bizarre Aussichtsfelsen, tiefe Karsthöhlen, eigenartige Wacholderheiden – die imposante Landschaft ist gespickt mit Sehenswürdigkeiten.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Zeller Horn – Mariazell - Blick auf Burg Hohenzollern/Schwäbische Alb

    16,0 km
    4,4 km/h
    400 m
    390 m
  2. You probably don't need to comment much on the premium hiking trail "Wasserfallsteig", as it's not for nothing that it has been voted Germany's most beautiful hiking trail several times.

    At the beginning of the tour, we made a detour up to the Schlossberg with the Hohenurach castle ruin, which is not

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 02:54
    12,7 km
    4,4 km/h
    250 m
    280 m

    The valley is really beautiful but unfortunately overflowing on the weekend to the Märzenbecherblüte. It is advisable to drive to a more distant parking lot, as the parking lot at the entrance of the valley is quickly full, it is best of course during the week. At the beginning of the recorded hike there

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  5. 02:56
    12,5 km
    4,2 km/h
    320 m
    330 m

    A very nice and varied tour along the Castle Trail on the Swabian Alb. There are great viewpoints on the Echaztal and the castle Lichtenstein, which can also be visited. A few meters further you can stop at the Alten Forsthaus (altesforsthauslichtenstein.de) and have a good meal or have a coffee and a delicious cake.

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  6. The starting point is the Spadelsberg car park, where there are enough free parking spaces available. First you walk towards Neuffen past wonderfully blooming meadows and tree lots. Then it goes steeply uphill through the vineyards towards the castle ruins. Is currently closed. From the outer castle

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  7. Se il viaggio non fosse sempre così lungo, ci piacerebbe viaggiare molto di più, è davvero una zona fantastica.

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  8. As always on the Swabian Alb, magnificent views, castles, ruins, forest and dreamy orchards. When the weather was good, many day trippers had this idea and the hiking trails were accordingly full. Teck Castle had opened with a beer garden, but was equipped and not very photogenic😉.

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  9. From the Lange Steige hiking car park near Lenningen-Schlattstall, it is only a short distance to the Lange Steige valley in the Swabian Alb biosphere area. Since 2009 this forest has been left to its own devices, which can easily be seen from the many fallen trees that often block the path. The path

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  10. Fantastically beautiful hike at this time of the year. Wonderfully blooming flower meadows, juniper bushes, lush landscapes and great views. Again and again, benches invite you to stop and enjoy.


    The "Orchideenpfad" lion path in Reichenbach im Täle is particularly suitable for nature lovers. The Wasserberg

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  11. The hike begins at the car park at the sawmill. Alternatively, you can park at the Lorch Monastery. First, the path leads a little along the narrow access road until it goes through the forest and a short time later you meet the Lorch monastery (entrance fee 5 euros). A limesturm and a falconry can also

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    146 km
  • Durata
    32:32 h
  • Dislivello
    3.950 m

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