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Ostseestrände und nostalgischer Charme - Rügen


Ostseestrände und nostalgischer Charme - Rügen


Ostseestrände und nostalgischer Charme - Rügen

Raccolta by Natalie

7 Tour

08:59 h

33,8 km

380 m

In Rügen Urlaub zu machen, war erst gar nicht geplant. Da mir das alles mit Corona aber immer noch zu unsicher war mit Ausland, haben wir umdisponiert und es nicht bereut. Das einzige, was ich anders machen würde, ist nicht mehr in der Schulferienzeit hinzufahren.
Meine absoluten Highlights, die Kreidefelsen und die sagenhaften Buchenwälder.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. 🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏽‍♂️Rügen - Am Hafen in Sassnitz

    6,28 km
    3,7 km/h
    40 m
    40 m

    Last day on Rügen. The youngsters wanted to go to the beach one last time this afternoon, so there was only a short tour of the harbor. It was nice and there was also a fabulous cappuccino 😀.

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  2. Since I forgot to start a "tour" this morning, the pictures are deposited this afternoon. At first I thought I was too late, the ⏰ rang at 5 and it felt light when I got to the beach. When I turned around and looked again, the sun peeked out on the horizon. It was beautiful ❤️

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Today we made one of the most beautiful tours on Rügen, we hiked through the world cultural heritage beech forests and at times walked along the chalk cliffs on the high path. Personally, I liked the first half in the forest best, as there were almost no people around. Most of them were on our way back

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  5. Christian, the youngsters didn't feel like exploring the city properly today. Fortunately, most of the beautiful churches can be seen from afar 😉.

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  6. Questa mattina eravamo combattuti. Spiaggia o allontanarsi. Poi è arrivato il momento di partire e vedere la bellissima città termale di Sellin.

    A causa dell'elevato volume di turisti nelle strade e in città, tutto ha richiesto un po' più tempo di quanto avremmo voluto.

    Dopo aver finalmente trovato un

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  7. My internet is really bad here plus these constant problems with komoot uploading.

    But no matter how we were today at the northernmost tip of Rügen at Cape Arkona and hiked along the chalk cliffs in the north of the island. The village of Vitt has only 13 houses and 16 residents. But since the tourists

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  8. 00:27
    1,16 km
    2,6 km/h
    0 m
    0 m

    Unfortunately, the offspring have to do a corona test again because the other is older than 24 hours, so the detour to the beach was only a short one. But he's beautiful 😍.

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    33,8 km
  • Durata
    08:59 h
  • Dislivello
    380 m

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