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Foto Trentino Svilluppo - P. Geminiani


Raccolta by Jason 🥾🚴⛵️🌍

4 Tour

108:52 h

1.217 km

28.330 m

A gravel ride that I've wanted to create that is my own personal version of the Tuscany Trail but it's in the north of Italy and takes in the magic region of Trentino. The route takes you over some scenic passes and around some of the most iconic mountain ranges in the dolomites. You pass through green fields and along rivers and there's plenty of spots to wild camp along the way. The route is a circular route that starts and ends in Trento making it easy to ride here or to get the train and it passes through many small villages and Refugios making the route one for food lovers!
The routes divided into three stages so there's plenty of choice to suit all riders and bikes. There's the SS which is a 140km - 2,600m short course and mainly on sealed bike paths and quiet roads then there's the TT which is 460km - 11,800m of dirt that weaves its way around mountains and the has plenty of single track and forest roads to challenge the best gravel and XC bikers.

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  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    T3Trino - SS - BPT

    154 km
    12,4 km/h
    2.750 m
    2.750 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Alcune parti del percorso potrebbero essere non asfaltate o difficili da percorrere in bici.
  2. 19:14
    243 km
    12,7 km/h
    4.390 m
    4.390 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Alcune parti del percorso potrebbero essere non asfaltate o difficili da percorrere in bici.
  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 34:02
    363 km
    10,7 km/h
    9.330 m
    9.330 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. In alcune parti del Tour potresti dover spingere la bici.
  5. 43:11
    457 km
    10,6 km/h
    11.860 m
    11.860 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. In alcune parti del Tour potresti dover spingere la bici.

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.217 km
  • Durata
    108:52 h
  • Dislivello
    28.330 m

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