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Thüringen • Oberfranken


Thüringen • Oberfranken


Thüringen • Oberfranken

Raccolta by witte

6 Tour

32:19 h

399 km

7.680 m

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Erfurt - Gotha - Waltershausen

    72,7 km
    14,4 km/h
    1.060 m
    910 m

    Since my colleague is on vacation for the next week and we work together, I have now been given compulsory vacation. I was dragged from my desk with a combined effort and put on my bike. 😎🥳

    The tour should go through Franconian (speaking) areas: Suhl, Coburg, Bamberg, Bayreuth. But since today is probably

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 05:00
    54,7 km
    10,9 km/h
    1.440 m
    1.390 m

    Spooky! All alone I stumble through the Thuringian Forest in the pale light. The drizzle caused a heavy fog so that the visit to various viewpoints was completely for the garden. It was the hardest at the Hohen Stein. Where one usually admires the valleys and mountains there was only a white opaque void

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 06:49
    81,0 km
    11,9 km/h
    1.320 m
    1.500 m

    Damn it! The rain makes everything look so gray. It is such a beautiful area, the houses nestle against the valley flanks. Sometimes a town house is as if the owner couldn't part with it when he moved to the country. But the Veste Coburg was very interesting.

    I still have to get used to the Franconian

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. 06:05
    72,5 km
    11,9 km/h
    1.200 m
    1.130 m

    My 200th tour with Komoot! The Franconians also had an anniversary present for me - a mountain with a 20% gradient was waiting for me. 🤨

    The main attraction is of course Bamberg with its city center and the Kaiserdom with its four heads.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. 04:55
    59,7 km
    12,2 km/h
    1.140 m
    1.160 m

    It's a shame that the day was rainy again. The valley of the Wiesent and the Ahorntal are very beautiful. Maybe I should stop by again next year, home from the Alps through Bavaria?

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  7. 04:27
    58,1 km
    13,1 km/h
    1.520 m
    1.350 m

    Since yesterday's tour fell into the water, I added a mountain range to it. I didn't want to go home empty-handed!

    But now it's fine again with the mountains, take a rest. Bicycle is also ready for the workshop. Home! 🛖

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    399 km
  • Durata
    32:19 h
  • Dislivello
    7.680 m

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