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Traufgänge Albstadt


Traufgänge Albstadt

Daniela E.

Traufgänge Albstadt

Raccolta by Daniela E.

59 Tour

155:34 h

584 km

12.270 m

Traufgänge Albstadt

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  1. Burgfelden mit Böllat ☃️❄️🤩

    8,52 km
    3,8 km/h
    90 m
    90 m

    Visto che lo splendore finirà lunedì, guida a Burgfelden 👍🏻❄️☃️

    A casa 485 metri zuppa più densa al mattino 🙈 con il sole più meraviglioso a 900 metri poi rovinato a Burgfelden 😎☃️

    Il percorso non è necessariamente da seguire perché abbiamo camminato molto di fondo ☺️

    Burgfelden non sparge sale, quindi

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  2. Oggi avevo un appuntamento a Tubinga e se era già in viaggio allora ho preparato subito qualcosa 😊

    Vale a dire qualcosa dalla lista infinita di nuovo 🤭

    Salvato a lungo e ora riscoperto da Günter e scappato subito 👍🏻

    Grazie per aver ricordato 😃 molti sentieri, splendidi panorami e il tempo più bello

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. In realtà ha iniziato un altro round,

    A casa 480 NHN, il sole più meraviglioso, con una zuppa totale pianificata di 580 NHN 😳🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    Ho appena deciso di andare verso il sole 😎

    Ne usciva il più vicino, il circuito dei prati del Zitterhof. E tutto sotto un sole glorioso. 👍🏻😎

    L'abbiamo percorsa x volte

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  5. Oggi con la nostra visita abbiamo fatto un'altra bellissima passeggiata di gronda vicino ad Albstadt, e onestamente puoi percorrerla all'infinito ☺️ Convince sempre con altri punti salienti 👍🏻

    Il biker park oggi era davvero pieno e non riesco a decidere se i biker siano coraggiosi o pazzi 🙈


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  6. Visitare gli amici e fare una bellissima escursione con loro in un angolo dove non erano mai stati prima☺️

    Puoi semplicemente camminare sulla grondaia ancora e ancora, è meraviglioso in ogni stagione.

    Il fiore di genziana ci ha ispirato oggi, un vero highlight. 🤩

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  7. Aveva un appuntamento a Hechingen e ovviamente ha approfittato del tempo fantastico all'angolo e ha corso un round salvato a lungo da Rusty ☺️

    Grazie a Rusty 👋

    Il Torfelsen è davvero bello e anche la riserva di caccia. Splendidi panorami con grandi sentieri, solo fino alla riserva di caccia e da lì a

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  8. Innanzitutto mi scuso per i tanti fiori 🙈 normalmente cerco di mostrare di più i sentieri e la zona perché mi interessano di più gli altri tour, ma oggi è diventata una comoda escursione fiorita a misura di piedi ☺️

    In realtà, volevamo principalmente andare ai fiori di pasque, ma la polvere del Sahara

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  9. The crocus blossom in the Black Forest was planned, but the weather made us change our minds and so it became the landslide near Mössingen.

    I soon regretted the decision 🥺 we were on the complete shady side and flirted with the Farrenberg next to it, which was wonderfully in the sun. Not only snow surprised

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  10. In Günter's footsteps ☺️

    Thank you for sharing, today was just beautiful, foot and height technically feasible 🙈

    Because of the fairy tale path, I personally wouldn't make a long journey, but it's really worth taking part in the Happy Swing Path and preferably in summer when the water games in Hechingen

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  11. There was no stopping the sun ☺️

    Found something that was just right for my feet and just enjoyed it, the sun was really really warm today, even though we were at 1000 meters.

    The Plettenberg is really worth it 👍🏻 it was partly quite muddy and it was great to clean shoes again through the snow ❄️ 😂


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  12. So after three weeks, a little try today ☺️

    Here the thickest soup and 200 meters higher bright sunshine 😎 it was just beautiful 🤩

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  13. First day of the year 🥳

    Fantastic weather 😎

    Actually too warm for January ...

    11 degrees 😅 but wonderful ☺️

    One of our beloved eaves near Albstadt 🤩

    Our dear friend Frank in company 🥰 and very dear Komootler,

    Rusty, Sabine and Kiwi met 😃

    There is really no better way to start in 2022 🤩

    A successful start

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  14. 02:53
    10,7 km
    3,7 km/h
    180 m
    180 m

    It took a long time to finally find an appointment together today and go on a nice hike in very nice company.

    The Tieringer Hörnle always works and, like any of the eaves in the corner, is worth it

    And the crowning glory of today was that we met Kiwi 🐕 with owner Rusty, Uwe. Such a nice coincidence

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  15. 02:44
    9,19 km
    3,4 km/h
    180 m
    170 m

    After 4 weeks of compulsory break, today I ran the first lap of less than 10 km with little altitude difference and of course in our beloved Albstadt, each of the eaves around Albstadt is a highlight no matter what time of the year.

    The Wacholderhöhe offers a lot of variety along the eaves with beautiful

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  16. We were only 12 km away through the Schischemklamm hike and towers simply inspire me 🤩

    Sorry that it is not a tour in that sense and actually does not belong on Komoot, but I thought so as information and then a hike there would be a great idea 💡

    It costs 9 euros to go up and is extremely fast at 8 meters

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  17. Today Günter LS invited you to take part in a guided hike 😊. from the hiking group Baar Tuningen e.v.

    It was really nice to get to know other Komooters, now you have faces too ☺️

    The Schischemklamm is beautiful and it is worth driving there, Günter guided us brilliantly and it was a really successful

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  18. 02:29
    5,15 km
    2,1 km/h
    60 m
    70 m

    Today I was proud of the little one, with 3 years 5 km at 30 degrees is a great achievement 👍🏻😊

    The Häppy swing path from Hechingen can be recommended, of course the horse swing and the water games are the best, and not to forget the iced coffee is awesome 🤩

    Huge portion and very tasty, I forgot the

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  19. It had to be easy today, made the last visit to Bad Sebastiansweiler today and used the corner again. And once again found that every eaves in the Albstadt corner is worthwhile and the Zeller Horn is just beautiful to run in every season of the year🤩

    Unfortunately we blew the gentian and only found seed

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  20. 02:32
    8,21 km
    3,2 km/h
    230 m
    210 m

    Visited mom again in rehab in Bad Sebastiansweiler and then let Farrenberg charm her again 🤩

    Simply beautiful up there, a section of the Dreifürstensteig and just turned a round, the end through the forest was a real mud pit 🙈

    Lucky again, on the way home it started to rain like buckets, at least not hail again😊

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  21. 02:55
    7,41 km
    2,5 km/h
    300 m
    310 m

    From the Punch parking lot up to Punch and enjoyed the wonderful view 🤩

    It went down a bit chaotically because it rained very hard here too, it was very slippery.

    A small but designated path back up which was probably only used by animals this year 🙈 to the split rock, over to the high rock 966.5 meters

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  22. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    584 km
  • Durata
    155:34 h
  • Dislivello
    12.270 m

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