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Isle of Arran - Gravel 5 ferries


Isle of Arran - Gravel 5 ferries


Isle of Arran - Gravel 5 ferries

Raccolta by Going.Pottie

4 Tour

19:13 h

224 km

2.970 m

The 5 Ferries route is one of the most beautiful, I've done so far. The route is commonly known as mini-Scotland, the trails (and weather) are incredibly diverse and it encompasses some jaw dropping scenery. Starting in Ardrossan or Wemyss Bay, the Five Ferries can be tackled either clockwise or anti-clockwise. We started in Ardrossan travelling clockwise, over three days it was a leisurely pace with lots of opportunities to stop have a snack, admire the views and even dip in the ocean. One of my favourite things about this route was the abundance of wildlife along it. It has one of the largest populations of gannets in the world, sea eagles and we were also lucky enough to spot an otter whilst waiting for a ferry! There is also plenty of opportunity to spot dolphins, seals, and other rare sea birds from the ferry, so bring those binos!! Ferry Timetables and Fares
The 5 ferries.
1. Ardrossan - Brodick (Arran)
2. Lochranza (Arran) - Claonaig (Kintyre)
3. Tarbert (Kintyre) - Portavadie (Cowal)
4. Colintraive (Cowal) - Rhubodach (Bute)
5. Rothesay (Bute) - Wemyss Bay

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Day 1 - Gravel 5 ferries (Isle of Arran)

    80,8 km
    10,7 km/h
    1.080 m
    1.080 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Alcune parti del percorso potrebbero essere non asfaltate o difficili da percorrere in bici.
  2. 06:26
    71,6 km
    11,1 km/h
    1.000 m
    930 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici perlopiù asfaltate. Adatto a ogni livello di abilità. Il Tour richiede un attraversamento in traghetto
  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 03:32
    39,2 km
    11,1 km/h
    730 m
    730 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. In alcune parti del Tour potresti dover spingere la bici.

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    224 km
  • Durata
    19:13 h
  • Dislivello
    2.970 m

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