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Brocken - Wurmberg


Brocken - Wurmberg

⚔️🗡️Reiner -THOR-sten13🏹🪓😎

Brocken - Wurmberg

Raccolta by ⚔️🗡️Reiner -THOR-sten13🏹🪓😎

2 Tour

07:53 h

79,0 km

2.010 m

Einer meiner Lieblingsziele, die ich dieses Jahr aufjedenfall nochmal Erklimmen werde.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Wurmberg ⛰💪💪 - Brocken⛰💪💪 - Genießertour 🌭🌭🍺🍺08.09.2021

    42,5 km
    8,8 km/h
    1.170 m
    1.170 m

    Today we went back to the Brocken for the second time this year, before that we made a detour to the Wurmberg and we are up to the top.

    The way up to the Wurmberg was rocky and difficult in the true sense of the word, but we mastered it superbly, Peter drove a good bit up, but also reached his limits

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  2. Yes, thank you very much 🙏 yes do that, do you have an e bike?

    It was very exhausting but very nice and thanks to Gasjosef who always has a tow rope with him, it was a relief for my biobike and my body in the steep passages, if I had been alone I would have had to push very often.

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    79,0 km
  • Durata
    07:53 h
  • Dislivello
    2.010 m

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