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MTB Touren nach Bratislava und in den Kleinen Karpaten


MTB Touren nach Bratislava und in den Kleinen Karpaten


MTB Touren nach Bratislava und in den Kleinen Karpaten

Raccolta by ChTh

12 Tour

70:09 h

1.010 km

13.220 m

😎 In den Kleinen Karpaten kann man wirklich super biken, man kann sich hier extrem viele schöne Touren zusammenstellen 🚵. Bratislava und seine Altstadt ist natürlich auch einen Besuch wert!Sinnbefreite Radfahrverbotsschilder im Wald gibt es hier so gut wie keine, es sind alle willkommen, Wanderer, Läufer und Radfahrer, so sollte es auch in Österreich sein!1976 wurde fast das gesamte Gebiet der Kleinen Karpaten zum Landschaftsschutzgebiet Malé Karpaty (646,10 km²) erklärt. In diesem Gebiet gibt es Natur pur mit unzähligen Forststraßen, Wegen und Singletrails.
Die Ausläufer der Kleinen Karpaten enden in Bratislava.
Von Wien aus ist man rasch dort. Ich fahre meist mit dem Auto bis zum Parkplatz vor dem Schloss Hof. Von dort geht´s rasch und einfach über die Fahrrad- und Fußgängerbrücke hinüber nach Slowakei direkt in den Randbezirk von Bratislava.Alternativ zum Auto war ich auch von Wien aus über den Radweg und auch mit dem Twin City Liner Katamaran nach Bratislava unterwegs.Den Zug habe ich bis jetzt noch nicht genutzt, es gibt aber viele welche in nutzen und begeistert sind, somit auch eine Alternative zur Anreise.

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  1. 🚵 Abenteuerliche Querung der Kleinen Karpaten von Marchegg über die neue Fahrradbrücke nach Pezinok

    78,2 km
    11,0 km/h
    1.710 m
    1.710 m

    Un tour fantastico, anche se all'inizio un po' avventuroso. Sono partito da Marchegg per la Slovacchia attraverso il nuovo Marchbrücke per ciclisti e pedoni. Attraversò i Piccoli Carpazi dall'altra parte fino ai laghi sopra Pezinok e poi di nuovo indietro.


    Bello che ci sia il nuovo ponte ciclo-pedonale

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  2. Oggi le montagne dietro Bratislava erano di nuovo in programma. Ci sono molti bei sentieri e NESSUN divieto di circolazione, una zona meravigliosa!


    Come sempre nei miei tour di Bratislava, sono partito da Schloss Hof, passando per il ponte ciclabile e poi per il percorso più diretto possibile attraverso

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. A great tour, once again together with Alex. Start at Hof Castle, over the bicycle bridge and then up the Little Carpathians behind Stupava.


    The weather was fantastic and so was the route. At lunchtime there was a rest with beer & hot dog 😋. Here you can actually still get the beer for € 2 👍, since

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  5. 05:24
    74,3 km
    13,7 km/h
    1.570 m
    1.580 m

    I wanted to drive this tour last week. Since the chain broke, I had to turn around. Today was the day.


    Start again at Hof Palace, over the bike & pedestrian bridge to Slovakia - STOP, I don't believe it, last week the bridge was not yet closed. Since I didn't have the slightest desire to cancel the tour

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  6. Actually it should have been a tour with 75 km & 1300 hm, but after 15.9 km the chain broke suddenly and without warning 👿. I did not suffer from the chain lock & chain pliers in my backpack, I will have it in the future 😠.


    Google to: next bike shop 13.4 km, luckily towards the car ...


    Then I tried to

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  7. A nice tour, which had a bit more km and hm than Komoot has recorded (from the Devin Castle to Bratislava Komoot has pulled a line, in fact I'm on the hills next, were in total about 80 km and certainly at least 200 hm more. ..)


    From Hainburg continue on the other side of the Danube bridge and leave later

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  8. 07:33
    163 km
    21,6 km/h
    1.650 m
    1.660 m

    With the Twin City Liner Catamaran from Vienna to Bratislava. The hinterland explores, up to the TV tower and on interesting trails back to Bratislava. The castle and the old town are visited, over to the other side and towards Austria. In Hainburg on the ruin Röthelstein up on the Hundsberg and in full

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  9. 07:04
    86,8 km
    12,3 km/h
    1.200 m
    1.210 m

    Once again on the road in Slovakia. Start at Hof Castle, over the bicycle bridge and then behind Stupava into the forest of the Little Carpathians.


    Instead of going in the direction of Bratislava as I did earlier, this time I went in the other direction to the Pezinská Baba ski area and on to the Javorina

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  10. There is always a way 😉. Since the bicycle bridge at Hof Palace over to Slovakia is still closed, I started this tour in Angern an der March and crossed the border with the ferry.


    The first 30 km are very flat, but very scenic. Not only dirt roads, many small beautiful forests, a castle, some single

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  11. 04:48
    89,1 km
    18,6 km/h
    850 m
    860 m

    For a change once again a tour through the Danube floodplains. This time started from Hainburg towards Slovakia. Thanks Hundsberg are also some hm here. For the first time down the Hundsberg on the other side, a nice trail and partly steep, but very good mobile.

    Then through the Danube floodplains, via

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  12. Oggi siamo andati da Angern lungo la March a Hohenau. Poi attraverso il ponte per la Slovacchia, ritorno nella direzione opposta e ritorno in Austria con il traghetto.


    Inizialmente avevo programmato il tour nell'altra direzione. Ma poiché in Austria c'erano anche due castelli e alcuni punti salienti a

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  13. Questo tour è stato ancora una volta un'avventura.


    Prima la bellissima spiaggia sul Danubio con vista sulle rovine di Devin, poi, poco dopo Hainburg, la ricerca senza successo della cappella Kramer e poi ancora una volta un vicolo cieco in mezzo alla foresta davanti a una recinzione.


    Questo è stato seguito

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.010 km
  • Durata
    70:09 h
  • Dislivello
    13.220 m

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