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🇦🇹 Lechweg


🇦🇹 Lechweg

Olaf 1/Ω

🇦🇹 Lechweg

Raccolta by Olaf 1/Ω

6 Tour

42:24 h

143 km

3.390 m

Der letzte Wildfluss der Alpen - Der Lechweg ist ein rund 125 km langer Weitwanderweg, der vom Formarinsee in der Gemeinde Lech am Arlberg im österreichischen Land Vorarlberg bis hin zum Lechfall bei Füssen im bayerischen Allgäu führt.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. 🇦🇹 Lechweg: Etappe 1 vom Formarinsee nach Lech am Arlberg

    18,3 km
    3,4 km/h
    160 m
    570 m

    The Lech is known as the last wild river in the northern Alps. The Lechweg runs approx. 125km from the source at the Formarinsee in Vorarlberg through Tyrol to the Lechfall near Füssen in Allgäu.


    To stage 2 -> komoot.de/tour/407588645



    From Lech am Arlberg you have to take a bus to the starting point at

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. The Lech is known as the last wild river in the northern Alps. The Lechweg runs approx. 125km from the source at the Formarinsee in Vorarlberg through Tyrol to the Lechfall near Füssen in Allgäu.


    To stage 1 -> komoot.de/tour/406740625

    To stage 3 -> komoot.de/tour/408865411



    With the best hiking weather

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. The Lech is known as the last wild river in the northern Alps. The Lechweg runs approx. 125km from the source at the Formarinsee in Vorarlberg through Tyrol to the Lechfall near Füssen in Allgäu.


    To stage 2 -> komoot.de/tour/407588645

    To stage 4 -> komoot.de/tour/409894216


    At this stage I deviated from

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. The Lech is known as the last wild river in the northern Alps. The Lechweg runs approx. 125km from the source at the Formarinsee in Vorarlberg through Tyrol to the Lechfall near Füssen in Allgäu.


    To stage 3 -> komoot.de/tour/408865411

    To stage 5 -> komoot.de/tour/410961884


    The starting point of the stage

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. The Lech is known as the last wild river in the northern Alps. The Lechweg runs approx. 125km from the source at the Formarinsee in Vorarlberg through Tyrol to the Lechfall near Füssen in Allgäu.


    To stage 4 -> komoot.de/tour/409894216

    To stage 6 -> komoot.de/tour/411802518


    After the beautiful sunrise, it

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  7. The Lech is known as the last wild river in the northern Alps. The Lechweg runs approx. 125km from the source at the Formarinsee in Vorarlberg through Tyrol to the Lechfall near Füssen in Allgäu.


    To stage 5 -> komoot.de/tour/410961884


    The last stage initially led in the direction of the Hahnenkamm (Hahnenkamm

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    143 km
  • Durata
    42:24 h
  • Dislivello
    3.390 m

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