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#MyMemoryLane - a multi day hike visiting some favourite spots from my time living in the Aviemore area


#MyMemoryLane - a multi day hike visiting some favourite spots from my time living in the Aviemore area

Iona Adventuring

#MyMemoryLane - a multi day hike visiting some favourite spots from my time living in the Aviemore area

Raccolta by Iona Adventuring

2 Tour

10:06 h

53,1 km

840 m

This collection is one very close to my heart as it has a lot of sentimental value. I previously lived and worked in the Aviemore area from my late teens to mid 20's and my time there was extremely special and life changing. It's where I met my now husband, had a life altering career change, and most importantly - I discovered a love of the great outdoors. In those 6 years I moved around the area a lot and travelled frequently throughout the valley for work. Many people enjoy frequent trips to the area on holiday but living there meant that I discovered so many new walks, trails, paths and hidden gems during this time. I have such fond memories of being able to call the Cairngorms National Park home - that's pretty special.After living in Edinburgh for 4 years I decided to embark on a multi day hike to honour some of my favourite adventures and memories from my time in the Cairngorms. This felt unlike anything I had attempted before as any previous long distance routes I took part in were as a group. Doing this solo felt like a whole new challenge and one that I truly embraced.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. #MyMemoryLane Nethybridge to Newtonmore solo hike - Day 1

    29,7 km
    6,2 km/h
    480 m
    400 m

    Il primo giorno di questa escursione di più giorni mi ha visto partire da Nethybridge e seguire la Speyside Way fino all'area forestale oltre Loch an Eilein.


    Questo percorso è ben tracciato e segnalato per la Speyside Way nella maggior parte dei punti e gode di alcuni punti estremamente panoramici lungo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. Il secondo giorno di questa escursione di più giorni è iniziato con una sorpresa: nonostante fosse maggio, mi sono svegliato nella mia tenda ricoperta da una spessa coltre di neve! Mi aspettavo pioggia ma le previsioni erano cambiate durante la notte e le temperature sono crollate. Fortunatamente ero

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    53,1 km
  • Durata
    10:06 h
  • Dislivello
    840 m

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