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Die Besten Touren (Entdecken und Wandern)


Die Besten Touren (Entdecken und Wandern)

Thorben (Entdecken und Wandern)

Die Besten Touren (Entdecken und Wandern)

Raccolta by Thorben (Entdecken und Wandern)

31 Tour

112:17 h

606 km

14.660 m

Seitdem ich Komoot nutze ( Sommer 2017) haben sich einige sehr schöne Touren ergeben. Sie sind alle selber geplant worden und sind absolute Favoriten geblieben. Eine tolle Mischung aus Rundwanderungen und Streckentouren.
Alle Touren sind mit dem ÖPNV erreichbar und meistens sind auch Parkplätze in der Nähe.
Die meisten Touren befinden sich zudem im Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis bzw. im südlichen Ruhrgebiet. Aber auch das Sauerland ist bisher vertreten und ich bin mir sicher, bald werden weitere Regionen folgen. Diese Touren werde ich auch nochmal wandern.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Rundtour Oberes Elbschetal (Sprockhövel/Gevelsberg/Wetter) 26.03.22

    17,4 km
    5,4 km/h
    370 m
    380 m

    È stata un'escursione super bella con sezioni incredibilmente belle. Inoltre, il miglior tempo per le escursioni, un bel rinfresco inaspettato al momento giusto all'Untere Rattelbecke e il tempismo è stato perfetto.


    Ora sono felice e contento.


    Ne ho già parlato in dettaglio nelle descrizioni delle immagini

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  2. 04:35
    25,0 km
    5,5 km/h
    560 m
    550 m

    It was a really nice tour.

    Ever since I hiked around the Ennepetalsperre (I can't remember the date), I had the idea to do it in more detail.

    In the spring, a few other comooters ran around the dam and there has been a lot of anticipation since then.

    Today it was quite an interplay with the clouds for the

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 03:44
    19,2 km
    5,2 km/h
    420 m
    410 m

    That was a good arrow that had been in my quiver full of hikes for a long time. I had actually planned this tour a little differently, but fate stepped in and led me to this variant. More on that later.


    The hike starts either at a nice parking lot for hikers or at the Uhlenbart bus stop (bus 561). Right

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  5. È stato perfetto!


    Quindi prima di tutto vorrei ringraziare la comunità di Konoot in generale. È solo grazie a vari punti salienti o ad altri utenti che posso sempre perfezionare davvero i miei tour.


    Il tour stesso è stato per il 90% puro divertimento. C'erano numerose fantastiche vedute lontane e lontane

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  6. What a tour. I am so happy to have made this hike later this year.


    It went from the station Binolen first over the forest route, then up to the Balver forest summit and after another dangling to the viewing platform, then along the X1. After the Quitmannsturm then still some Höhenflugweg, then finally

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  7. Unfortunately, I have to be extremely brief, because I'm currently fighting with the battery. It was a great tour that I've been planning for a while. As soon as I am home, I will comment in more detail.

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  8. 03:43
    19,6 km
    5,3 km/h
    500 m
    520 m

    It pulled me again into the Elfringhauser Switzerland, to the border of Sprockhövel and Hattingen. I had planned this tour for some time and it was again very nice paths hiked. The tour was also quite challenging and the steady up and down was not without. Nevertheless, I am very satisfied and happy to be there again.

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  9. È stata di nuovo una bella escursione.

    Le linee di autobus 350 e SB38 sono consentite a Blankenstein alla fermata Museo/Clinica e nelle immediate vicinanze sono inoltre disponibili parcheggi gratuiti.

    Il tour conduce quindi direttamente nel bellissimo e tranquillo parco della clinica, oltrepassa la Grotta

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  10. 03:41
    19,6 km
    5,3 km/h
    460 m
    500 m

    Thank you very much 👍👍👍😉

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  11. Che bella escursione. Il nome ovviamente è scelto in modo appropriato, quindi ci sono discese salite da padroneggiare e ci sono splendide viste sul Sauerland, ma anche sulla valle della Ruhr e Hagen.

    Nel mezzo c'è inizialmente molto bosco, poi molti ampi panorami rurali, poi la grande valle dell'Happerbach

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  12. 03:18
    16,7 km
    5,1 km/h
    350 m
    330 m

    So finally no tour right on the doorstep, but a few hills further. A tour that I had planned in similar versions for a long time and that I could now implement. Numerous great hiking trails form the basis of this beautiful circular tour. Komoot ended the tour at the break and at the end. So not even

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  13. Il primo giorno quasi estivo dell'anno potrebbe essere utilizzato direttamente per un'altra escursione.


    Sono stato attratto da Beyenburg, dove volevo assolutamente tornarci e questa idea è vecchia quanto ho fatto un'escursione intorno alla diga di Herbringhauser da Remscheid-Lüttringhausen nel 2020.



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  14. Il bel tempo ha dovuto essere sfruttato di nuovo immediatamente e così abbiamo fatto questo meraviglioso tour escursionistico nel sud di Essen.

    L'inizio è stato alla stazione ferroviaria di Kupferdreh, dove puoi anche parcheggiare facilmente.

    C'è ovviamente molto trambusto sulla riva del lago Baldeney

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  15. 05:21
    27,8 km
    5,2 km/h
    510 m
    520 m

    Finally I was able to complete this (almost) round trip. There were several sources that contributed to the creation of this tour.

    It was only within Remscheid Lenneps with a bus to Talsperrenweg. You could also save this trip, but I did not want to cover the first kilometers along the roads.

    The tour

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  16. What a tour. Finally, I was able to put them into action in the best weather. It went from Lennestadt Altenhundem to Finnentrop. Only until Bilstein along the X6 and from there then the X5.

    It was a challenging tour, with great views and very nice Sauerland enjoyment.

    Even though I'm pretty flat now, I

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  17. This tour led from the station Dechenhöhle up to the Lennehöhen. With these I reached the Nachrodter cliffs. After a steep descent, I hiked along the Lennetal before climbing up to the Wixberg. Then followed by a dangling over the mountain trail to Herscheid, where it went off at the panoramic board

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  18. It was a great hike. But at the well deserved break, my finger slipped on the Quit button. Part 2 of the tour is also available here.

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  19. Part 1 of the tour is also available in my profile here. A little carelessness led this time to the fact that the tours were shared. Please excuse this. It was a hard tour with great great views and nice tours.

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  20. 03:44
    20,7 km
    5,6 km/h
    410 m
    420 m

    I was able to use the nice weather on this holiday for a nice hike. Start and finish was the Remscheid-Lüttringhausen train station, where I came from Wuppertal HBF with the S7 to complete my tour.

    It was really a nice hike. Again and again wonderful paths alternated with broad sections. There were a

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  21. So let's start with the beautiful things. This big round tour introduces many sights of the city of Wetter. It went first to Wetter Castle, then through the Ruhr meadows to Volmarstein Castle and then to Grundschöttel. The day was designed with a great mix of paths, wide forest paths and quiet streets

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  22. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    606 km
  • Durata
    112:17 h
  • Dislivello
    14.660 m

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