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Fläming Walk Touren


Fläming Walk Touren

Gabi 👣

Fläming Walk Touren

Raccolta by Gabi 👣

29 Tour

49:32 h

236 km

3.050 m

Es sind rund 450 km Wegenetz mit unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden. Man kann zwischen zahlreichen Touren wählen.
Alle Startpunkte haben Übersichtstafeln mit Strecken- und touristischen Informationen, zahlreiche Wegweiser unterstützen bei der Orientierung.

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  1. Woltersdorfer Rundweg Tour 28 Fläming Walk 04.04.2021 15:30

    9,51 km
    4,7 km/h
    240 m
    250 m

    Again very nice pictures 😍 have a great Easter Monday 🙋🏻‍♀️

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  2. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  3. The circular route with 7.9 km is very nice to walk, there are

    almost all forest trails. Our tour was a little longer because the signage was missing at a crucial point.

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  4. Today we did the three villages tour in glorious sunshine. From Märtensmühle via Liebätz and Ruhlsdorf back to Märtensmühle. A nice varied tour.


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  5. This tour in winter is not recommended. It went around the biogas plant, then endless greenhouses can be seen and finally a large solar park. The adjoining forest was a military training area and may not be entered, it is also badly damaged by a forest fire. Maybe it will look nicer on this tour when

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. A nice tour, the Obermühle Gottsdorf is the last water mill in operation in Brandenburg.

    Well-signposted forest paths alternate with field and meadow paths, but there is a lot of loose sand.

    In the middle of the forest we received the good news that we have become grandparents. That was a successful tour !!!!

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  7. The Unterhammerweg is a nice little round, along the Hammerfließ. Past the trout rearing facility, which unfortunately was closed today. The restaurant Zum Unterhammer is idyllically located, if you can come back, then you are in the right place.

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  8. The Archenrundweg in Beelitz is unfortunately no longer well signposted, and the starting point, the outdoor pool, no longer exists. To this end, new facilities have been built there for the state horticultural show, which will open in April 2022. That’s definitely worth another lap.

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  9. Pure forest - after leaving the village of Schönefeld, you go through a beautiful, clean forest area. 🌲🌳

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  10. The "Lost Place" that we discovered in the middle of the forest today is a former sleeping facility.

    There, hunting dogs were trained to hunt foxes. Not a nice thing 👎

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  11. A tour around the asparagus fields. Because there was no marking, we made a detour to Jacobs-Hof 🤭

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  12. Mostra altri Tour

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    236 km
  • Durata
    49:32 h
  • Dislivello
    3.050 m

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