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New Forest April ‘22 with Stuart


New Forest April ‘22 with Stuart


New Forest April ‘22 with Stuart

Raccolta by Keith

3 Tour

11:58 h

213 km

1.720 m

We drove to Shoreham where we had booked a caravan from Monday to Friday. Riding around the forest is brilliant, gravel hard pack, loose gravel and deep gravel but some parts are more MTB. Not many places to eat or get a drink unless your in Lyndhurst or Brockenhurst. Both are busy as all the traffic needs to go through them. Some of the roads have deep pot holes, so make sure you look a head before looking at the lovely scenery. The ponies are kings of the road and just go where they fancy, some cars still don’t slow down for them. We found it easier to plan a route before hand than just ride around and have no idea where you are. When we were riding we didn’t have any trouble with too many bikes it was quiet. Worth a place to add your riding list. Doesn’t matter to us if we go down the same bit anyway, go in the other direct and it doesn’t even look the same.We did one ride which included Christchurch and Bournemouth but you can’t ride along the sea front or beach. The place is lacking food and drinks stops and some of the slopes are slow in the forest because the gravel is loose and the going is slow. Some downhills you can nearly be out of control as the stones loose grip and you slide. But that is all the fun.Sway tower was interesting, I had to stop and ask someone but it seems it is the largest and oldest concrete structure which isn’t re-enforced. It was built in the late 1800’s. About 1970 is was brought and made into a B and B the bedroom was on the 3rd floor, and it’s still lived in now. Some of the houses close by were built at the same time and are all made of concrete. A guy said they are a bit cold and hard to heat.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Day 1: New Forest ride with Stuart

    72,5 km
    17,8 km/h
    660 m
    670 m

    Siamo partiti dal campeggio e siamo andati sui sentieri della New Forest e abbiamo pedalato un anello. L'andatura è stata un po' lenta con la pietra che era sciolta e profonda in alcuni punti, buon divertimento però. Lyndhurst ci fermiamo per pranzo, era circa a metà strada, molto trafficata con tutto

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 04:21
    77,5 km
    17,8 km/h
    480 m
    460 m

    Buon viaggio a Keyhaven, porto molto vicino e incantevole. Alcuni dei percorsi forestali sono più adatti alla MTB e non alle bici gravel ma comunque fattibili. Alcune strade sono trafficate anche se non ci sono molte macchine in giro. Peggiore pezzo di strada stava attraversando New Milton, un po' poco

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 03:33
    62,6 km
    17,6 km/h
    580 m
    560 m

    Stuart ha iniziato presto, prendendo il traghetto per l'IOW alle 8.15 per fare il giro dell'IOW. Un po' troppo presto per me. Sono appena andato a fare un giro attraverso la foresta e ho trovato alcune nuove sezioni da guidare. Giornata incantevole ma non molti posti dove fermarsi per un drink o cibo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    213 km
  • Durata
    11:58 h
  • Dislivello
    1.720 m

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