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Raccolta by Frank

8 Tour

26:10 h

138 km

2.690 m

An der Wied entlang - von der Quelle bis zur Mündung in 8 Etappen

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  1. Wiedweg - Etappe 1: von der Quelle in Linden bis Höchstenbach

    17,2 km
    5,7 km/h
    120 m
    310 m

    The Wiedweg leads in 8 stages from the Wiedquelle in Linden to the Wiedmünd near Neuwied. In a number of my hikes so far, I've followed sections of the Wiedweg in between. Today I have now hiked the first stage of the Wiedweg, although I have not been here before. The stage begins at the Wiedquelle and

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  2. The second stage of the Wiedweg officially leads from Höchstenbach to Altenkirchen. Strictly speaking, however, you only touch Altenkirchen. The stage ends in Almersbach, a place southwest of Altenkirchen. If the Wied is still a large stream at the beginning, it is a small river near Altenkirchen.



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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Before it gets really hot in the next few days, I went back to Wiedweg today. Stage 3 officially leads from Altenkirchen to Oberlahr. Strictly speaking, the stage begins in Almersbach, a place southwest of Altenkirchen, and ends in Bürdenbach-Bruchermühle, southeast of Oberlahr. The Wiedweg does not

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  5. I've been to the area between Oberlahr and Neustadt several times, in the area around Neustadt quite often. Nevertheless, I did not yet know most of the 4th stage of the Wiedweg. So not a "home game" as I initially thought.


    As in the previous stages, we started again with two cars and parked one of them

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  6. 02:58
    15,4 km
    5,2 km/h
    390 m
    400 m

    We continue on the Wiedweg. Stage 5 begins in Neustadt and ends in Arnsau. Arnsau is located directly on the Wied and actually consists of only one campsite, the Hotel Wiedfriede and a large parking lot opposite the hotel.


    We drove again with 2 cars. It turned out that the parking lot in Arnsau belongs

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  7. Well, if you look at them on the map, today's tour is not really round. Section 6 of the Wiedweg from Arnsau to Waldbreitbach is only 8 km long. This makes it possible to go there and back without the tour scope getting completely out of hand. As with normal circular routes, you can return to the starting

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  8. The 7th and penultimate stage of the Wiedweg from Waldbreitbach to Datzeroth is only about 11 km long. So it made sense to add it to a round trip. In terms of altitude, a lot comes together over the 11 km length. That is why I made the way back mostly on flat terrain directly along the Wied.


    On the way

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  9. 03:09
    15,4 km
    4,9 km/h
    260 m
    280 m

    The 8th and last stage of the Wiedweg leads from the small town of Datzeroth to the confluence of the Wied into the Rhine in Neuwied-Irlich. I didn't expect too much from this stage because it initially runs directly parallel to Wiedtalstrasse and towards the end through built-up area. But if it was

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    138 km
  • Durata
    26:10 h
  • Dislivello
    2.690 m

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