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Spannende Kraftort Touren am malerischen Lago Maggiore


Spannende Kraftort Touren am malerischen Lago Maggiore

Bodenseebiker Thurgau

Spannende Kraftort Touren am malerischen Lago Maggiore

Raccolta by Bodenseebiker Thurgau

8 Tour

10:40 h

113 km

2.740 m

Es gibt Orte auf unserem Planeten, an denen wir uns äusserst lebendig und in Harmonie mit unserer Umwelt fühlen. Diese befinden sich in der Natur bei eindrücklichen Wasserfällen, wohltuenden Quellen, uralten Bäumen, mystischen Steinen, Kulthügeln, Bergseen und hohen Gipfeln, aber einige energetische Orte findet man auch in Städten, in romanischen Kirchen, gotischen Kathedralen, stillen Klöstern oder schönen Plätzen. Mit dieser Collection zeige ich euch nach und nach, besondere Orte am Lago Maggiore.Alle Touren habe ich umfänglich beschrieben und diese findet ihr in dieser Collection. Ein Erlebnis, ein Abenteuer, ein besonderes etwas. Der Name Orte der Kraft - im Englischen "places of power" stammt aus der indianischen Sprache und bezeichnet jene Orte, die sich für Rituale, Kontemplation und Heilung eignen. Alle antiken Kulturen hatten ihre Kraftorte.Taucht mit ein zu den Kraftorten im Tessin.Falls euch die Collection gefällt, lasst ein like da und wer mehr Informationen möchte, kann sich gerne bei mir melden. Ich liebe Dialoge.Happy Ride On 🤟🤟🤟

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  1. Abenteuerliche trailige MTB Tour ab Cadenazzo via Monti di Medeglia zum Monte Ceneri mit Bushcraft Feeling

    21,6 km
    12,2 km/h
    950 m
    750 m

    "All in" MTB tour in partly rugged and steep terrain, on the tracks of old robbers and the Romans to Monte Ceneri.


    The tour started in the village of Cadenazzo and you follow the MTB signs, sometimes you are on the pass road and then immerse yourself in nature, past various ruined rustici and with a magnificent

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  2. Last stop today and a short hike through the mystical and special village of Sonogno.


    The church of Santa Maria di Loreto in Sonogno has a black Madonna like the original in Loreto. According to studies, Black Madonnas go back to the goddess Isis with the child in her arms, to earth goddesses or the Indo

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Another stop today leads to great impressions and shows the beauty of the special valley.


    The Verzasca Valley or Valle Verzasca has a lot to offer in addition to thrills. A paradise for hikers, mountain bikers, climbers, bathing beauties and romantics.





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  5. Today's tour is split into 3 parts and because of the time, I didn't cycle the route, contrary to my plan, and the hike would have taken too long, so I'll show you the impressions from the valley in 3 parts.


    Couple of info:


    The Verzasca Valley (Valle Verzasca) is an idyllic valley embedded in an impressive

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  6. Today's MTB tour starts again in Ascona and goes into the "mystical" Maggia Valley. A lot has already been reported about how thundering waterfalls along the Maggia Gorge convey pure energy and release strength. However, one is currently far away from that, because the Maggia has little water and there

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  7. I don't even know where to start and where to end today because there were so many highlights, soooo beautiful impressions and great trails.


    I'm really flashed by the first tour and I could have taken a lot more pictures but I'll try to keep it in context :-)


    I won't go into all the highlights, otherwise

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  8. Esci dal grigio uniforme e dopo 2 ore e mezza guida un balsamo per l'anima, 🌞 🌞 🌞 puro. Situata sulla sponda settentrionale del Lago Maggiore, Locarno è la città più calda della Svizzera con una media di 2.300 ore di sole all'anno. Lacorno è famoso per il suo fascino particolare. Domani andrò in un

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  9. Il Sacro Monte della Madonna del Sasso Orselina è uno dei luoghi religiosi e storici più importanti del Canton Ticino.


    La montagna sacra custodisce un tesoro di arte, storia e spiritualità. Tra le opere d'arte ricordiamo la statua della Madonna del Sasso, la pala Fuga in Egitto e il Trasporto di Cristo

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    113 km
  • Durata
    10:40 h
  • Dislivello
    2.740 m

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