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5 days of gravel adventure in Serbia — Serbia Upside Down

Percorsi per bici da corsa

5 days of gravel adventure in Serbia — Serbia Upside Down


5 days of gravel adventure in Serbia — Serbia Upside Down

Ciclismo su strada – Raccolta by GravelUnion

5 Tour

40:13 h

445 km

10.100 m

Most people we’ve met on our travels have never been to Serbia. Not only that, but most of them don't even have plans to go there someday. We’ve found that the majority of people generally know very little about Serbian culture, traditions, people and values. It’s even less likely they’ll know about the particular atmosphere found on the small country roads or how things are in the big cities like Belgrade, the capital. Some of the most exciting elements of the nation are the well-preserved natural wonders, such as the chains of mountain peaks connected by winding dirt roads and the picturesque villages that lie in their shadows. Serbia remains a well-kept secret and, for many, a kind of alternative destination.

This route reflects this, creating an unpredictable and sometimes strenuous journey across six mountains on the gravel paths of Western Serbia. Besides physical and mental challenges, these five days encapsulate the spirit of Serbia and tell the exciting stories of the inhabitants and their simple lifestyle.

Cycling gives us the absolute freedom of movement. For us, it represents the purest and most honest way of getting around. It has the power to make state borders disappear and it teaches you how to become one with nature. These were exactly the thoughts and values that moved us when we asked ourselves why so few people travel to this country. And what can we, as cyclists who know our way around digital media, do to change that?

At first, it seemed impossible. Without tour operators, NGOs, mass media, ministries, national celebrities, budget, and so on, how can you develop such outreach? Perhaps by somehow uniting the forces of friendship, cycling and nature. And that thought was the turning point. So, we brought together friends from Serbia and Germany and made a suggestion: ‘Why don't we cycle together through the most beautiful landscapes of Serbia and film a documentary to tell the world about it? Let's give the world a new picture of Serbia!’ They loved the idea and, in August 2019, we started working on something we now call ‘Serbia Upside Down’.

In a flash, two years passed since our first adventure in the mountains of Western Serbia. Despite all the hurdles, our Serbian and German crew members gathered in the capital city of Belgrade and prepared for the start of a tough, yet epic expedition in the heat of July. The weather forecast in the week leading up to the trip was constantly changing. There was a high probability that thunderstorms and heavy rain would make parts of the route unrideable. We wanted to experience an adventure of 500 kilometers (311 mi) and 11,000 metres (36,000 ft) of elevation gain in the mountains of western Serbia in five days, exclusively on gravel tracks and back roads. Asphalt and cars are not for us.

The night before the start, we met in Pedja's grandparents' mountain hut, far from main roads and civilization in a village with just 30 inhabitants. We sat by the fire, drank regional beer and talked about the upcoming days. Everything seemed uncertain and we were filled with questions like, ‘Will 40 tires be enough? Will a 40-11/42 gear ratio be enough?’ All our questions were supposed to be resolved in the next five days....

If you want to see more of our adventures, check out our profile: komoot.com/user/1883189462540

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Travel Gravel - Serbia Upside Down

443 km

10.790 m

9.720 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪18 aprile 2024


  1. Tag 1: Von Valjevo an den Zaovine-See – Serbia Upside Down

    103 km
    11,4 km/h
    2.600 m
    2.000 m

    La mattina del primo giorno era fredda, nebbiosa e piovosa. La colazione consisteva in prelibatezze tradizionali serbe come torta salata al formaggio, yogurt e marmellata fatta in casa. Pieno di carboidrati e zucchero, eravamo pronti come non mai. Il confine tra nervosismo e anticipazione si offuscava

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  2. Dopo diverse tazze di caffè, abbiamo finalmente capito dove eravamo in questa mattina di sole. Abbiamo chiacchierato a lungo con la meravigliosa famiglia che ci ospitava al Lake Zaovine Cabin. Abbiamo mostrato loro il nostro percorso per il giorno 2 su komoot, ci hanno mostrato libri sul Monte Tara e

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 06:39
    81,4 km
    12,2 km/h
    1.660 m
    1.620 m

    Abbiamo dormito per la seconda volta quest'anno al rifugio Tornik. Abbiamo lavato i nostri vestiti la sera prima e non vedevamo l'ora di infilarci dei pantaloncini da ciclismo freschi. La colazione era una vera bomba di carboidrati! C'era il piatto balcanico preferito di Lael Wilcox: il burek croccante

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. 07:44
    91,4 km
    11,8 km/h
    1.500 m
    1.950 m

    Era tempo di nuove sfide. Ci aspettava un'altra lunga giornata di ciclismo: prima siamo tornati a una diga sull'Uvac e poi abbiamo svoltato sulle migliori strade di ghiaia che ci hanno portato a un fantastico punto panoramico. Sembrava una ricompensa per i nostri sforzi. L'Uvac serpeggiava ovunque guardassimo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. L'atmosfera al mattino era euforica. Dopotutto, è stato l'ultimo giorno del nostro tour. Volevamo partire prima questa volta perché avevamo una lunga giornata davanti a noi, ma le cose si sono complicate. Flo ha asciugato la tenda mentre David e Felix hanno spurgato un freno posteriore. Pedja ha gonfiato

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Ti piace questa Raccolta?



La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    445 km
  • Durata
    40:13 h
  • Dislivello
    10.100 m

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