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Chilterns Cycleway From Leighton Buzzard


Chilterns Cycleway From Leighton Buzzard


Chilterns Cycleway From Leighton Buzzard

Raccolta by foxy44

4 Tour

20:43 h

394 km

4.500 m

This was a project of mine to to complete the Chilterns Cycleway (komoot.com/collection/894374) with day rides from Leighton Buzzard with one overnight stop in the west of the ChilternsWith gently undulating hills, swooping red kites, ancient beech forests, and grand stately homes, it comes as no surprise that the Chilterns inspired one of the UK’s most beloved authors, Roald Dahl.. The Chilterns Cycleway is 183-mile (296 km) circular loop which is off course more if you do it with day rides from Leighton BuzzardThis adventure takes you over the magnificent Chiltern Hills, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty known for its spectacular landscape and an impressive selection of pubs. The route follows country lanes as they wind through the countryside, occasionally joining former railway lines, towpaths, or bridleways. Although the country lanes are usually quiet, they can become busier during rush hours.You not only find green nature as you cycle the Chiltern Cycleway; the region is steeped in fascinating history.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Linslade > Chilterns Cycleway > Berkhamsted

    89,0 km
    19,0 km/h
    940 m
    930 m
  2. Another great day in the Chilterns trying out backpacking bags. Can report the Restrap Saddle bag (8 Litres), Roswheel Road Handlebar Bag and Road Accessory Pouch did a great job.


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 04:43
    92,2 km
    19,6 km/h
    1.020 m
    990 m

    Questa è stata l'ultima tappa di un mio progetto per completare la Chilterns Cycleway (komoot.com/collection/1334065/-chilterns-cycleway-from-leighton-buzzard) con gite di un giorno da Leighton Buzzard con uno sosta notturna nell'ovest dei Chilterns. Ora è fatto e posso consigliare pienamente la Chilterns

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    394 km
  • Durata
    20:43 h
  • Dislivello
    4.500 m

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