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2021 London to Coventry via Lea Valley Route


2021 London to Coventry via Lea Valley Route


2021 London to Coventry via Lea Valley Route

Raccolta by Keith

3 Tour

14:46 h

255 km

1.530 m

I caught the train to London then biked across to the start of the Lea Valley Route which is near the 2012 Olympic Stadium. Her I came across a barge being used as a coffee shop, there were others a long side, the atmosphere was good with cool R&B music playing softly in the background. From here I found the route that takes you onto the canal which goes through the Tottenham Marsh area. The going was slow with people walking, rough surface and debris from the canal boats, not too appealing. I was following route 12 most of the way. I got to Welwyn Garden City where I though there would be more cycle paths than there were. It was built about the same time as Stevenage which has a lot of cycle paths everywhere. Leaving there it was a disused railway agin after a short stretch on the road, this takes you to Harpenden where there is a cycle path to Luton.You leave Luton along an express bus way until Dunstable when onto another greenway and most of the way is either greenway or very quiet roads. I must have gone under dozens of underpasses and along miles of cycle path to get through Milton Keynes. It's difficult to know where you are at times. One stretch is so nice was the Ouse Valley path. Lovely lakes and bird sanctuary, with wildlife areas, best part of the day...Got to Northampton where a music festival was happening. Great bands and singers with opera singers. Leaving Northampton you take the railway path going along a steam line, still in use, which takes you to Market Harborough where you turn and follow the route to Coventry.Overall a quiet route for cars, parts have many walkers or a bit rough. I tend to stop and chat to people so it takes me longer than it needs to.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Day 1: London to Luton on Lea Valley route

    92,2 km
    17,2 km/h
    500 m
    430 m

    Un po' di Londra è stato facile con le aree ciclabili, è il ciclista che è il problema che alcuni semplicemente non considerano gli altri. Una volta arrivato a Tottenham Marsh, ti immetti su sentieri di ghiaia e per le ultime 45 miglia sei sulla strada solo per il 10% delle volte. Greenways, ferrovie

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 04:53
    78,2 km
    16,0 km/h
    500 m
    570 m
  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 04:31
    84,6 km
    18,7 km/h
    530 m
    510 m

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    255 km
  • Durata
    14:46 h
  • Dislivello
    1.530 m

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