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rEUnion || Bassano del Grappa to Tilliacher Joch


rEUnion || Bassano del Grappa to Tilliacher Joch

Bruno Ferraro

rEUnion || Bassano del Grappa to Tilliacher Joch

Raccolta by Bruno Ferraro

2 Tour

26:26 h

245 km

6.820 m

For the first time since 25 years, as the Schengen Agreement came into effect, we are not
able to cross borders freely anymore inside Europe.
While of course this is related to a crisis no one could have planned for, the situation is
quite absurd regarding the call of rightwing politicians to shut down the EU and close our
national borders. Your next beach holiday in France? Get a special permit. Go have a beer
in your neighbouring country? Nearly impossible.
You get the point: We have grown so used to roam freely throughout a whole continent,
the idea alone of this freedom being taken away is a nightmare.
Deep in the 2020 Corona crisis ultra distance athletes Bruno Ferraro (Bassano del Grappa,
Italy) and Max Riese (Salzburg, Austria) digitally fantasised about riding together soon
again, after all their races got cancelled. But what if there was a way to meet each other
legally even in those times? With the restriction of movement in Italy it had to be a touching
point between the state of Veneto and Austria. While no tarmac road connects the two,
there is a historically important piece of trail, that does. The Tilliacher Joch (Forcella Dignas)
is a gravel trail where Italian and Austrian soldiers opposed each other in WW1.
Why not meet your friend at this historical place and enjoy a night under stars, while still
staying on your side of the border? Just within sight, enjoying each other's company as a
piece of normality.
We should all remember how this situation feels like and use it to fight for the freedom and
rights we have grown so used to. The Schengen Agreement and therefore the European
Union. Together we are stronger and better than as small, isolated countries.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Il primo giorno di Bruno – Da Bassano del Grappa a Selva di Cadore

    140 km
    9,7 km/h
    3.570 m
    2.410 m

    Lasciare Bassano del Grappa con il sorgere del sole ha reso ancora più epica la partenza di questa avventura. Mi sono subito avvicinato al Monte Grappa dove ho trovato altri ciclisti su strada ma appena ho preso il fuoristrada nessun altro ha incrociato il mio percorso per le due ore successive.


    In cima

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. Iniziare la giornata a Selva di Cadore e fare "colazione" al Passo Giau è stato davvero impegnativo. Non potevo mancare l'iconico passo ma poi sono tornato indietro di un paio di chilometri per seguire un fuoristrada davvero ripido ma incredibile che mi ha portato al Rifugio Averau e poi al Rifugio Scoiattoli

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    245 km
  • Durata
    26:26 h
  • Dislivello
    6.820 m

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