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Läuferparadies Kühkopf


Läuferparadies Kühkopf

🇺🇦Uwe 🏃‍♂️1098🏍

Läuferparadies Kühkopf

Raccolta by 🇺🇦Uwe 🏃‍♂️1098🏍

17 Tour

27:07 h

235 km

400 m

Ein wunderschönes Paradies für alle Läufer mit vielen Varianten. Meist auf weichen und gelenkschonenden Waldwegen.
Der heutige Kühkopf war ursprünglich eine Binnenhalbinsel mit vorgelagerten Rheininseln.
Im Zuge der Rheinbegradigung (1828/1829) machte man westlich der Halbinsel einen Begradigungsdurchstich und trennte das Gebiet vollständig vom linksrheinischen Festland ab, womit die Halbinsel zur Flussinsel wurde. Die ehemals der Halbinsel vorgelagerten Rheininseln besitzen heute durch Verlandung eine Verbindung zum Reststück, der frühere Hauptlauf des Rheins ist nun ein Altrheinbogen.Der nahezu unbebaute Kühkopf bildet heute zusammen mit der nördlich gelegenen Knoblochsaue und einigen kleineren Inselchen im Altrhein das Naturreservat „Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue“. Von dem insgesamt 2440 Hektar großen Naturschutzgebiet entfallen allein auf den Kühkopf rund 1700 Hektar. Die Insel ist über zwei Brücken von Erfelden, oder auch Stockstadt aus erreichbar.
Übrigens nirgendwo sonst in Mitteleuropa siedeln und brüten so viele Schwarzmilane wie auf dem Kühkopf!

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Tour e Highlight

  1. Kühkopf-Laufrunde 17,8_Meine Lieblingsstrecke!

    17,8 km
    9,4 km/h
    20 m
    20 m

    Come persona di contatto, sono attualmente in quarantena volontaria. Ieri ho lavorato tutto il giorno in garage e in giardino, ma oggi dovevo togliermi le scarpe da corsa.


    Era la mia via preferita in assoluto nel paradiso dei corridori di Kühkopf.


    Sul ponte Adolf-Roth sull'Atrhein e poi sempre a destra

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  2. 00:50
    8,04 km
    9,7 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Ora che la neve e il gelo sono stati segnalati di nuovo, oggi finalmente ho indossato di nuovo le mie scarpe da corsa. E poi, tra dieci giorni voglio disputare la mia prima gara in una pausa di quasi tre anni. Quindi è probabilmente il momento di fare 2 o 3 sessioni di allenamento in anticipo.


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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 00:54
    8,63 km
    9,5 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Last appointment for today has been cancelled, so let's put running shoes on and get out. 🏃‍♂️

    A training run over the cooling head was actually planned. But then the cooling head showed itself from one of its many most beautiful sides today, so that it became more of a jogging - photo - sightseeing

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  5. 01:00
    10,0 km
    10,0 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    After the end of the day, a tens quickly run over the cooling head.

    The actual route past the Hofgut is not yet passable because of a fallen tree. But the little detour via the Hofgut isn't bad either.

    It was nice again, the evening fog was slowly rising on the meadow, but it was also a bit cool.

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  6. 01:19
    12,5 km
    9,5 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Finally run again!

    I wanted to test my fitness level, with a view to the coming autumn runs and find out whether I could at least get one more competition this year. So off to the beautiful cooling head, on which, by the way, the cooling head run will take place on October 3rd: tv-erfelden.de

    An absolutely

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  7. 00:47
    7,95 km
    10,2 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Today there was a short after-work round about the Kühkopf. Always followed the "black beetle" mark. After the Altrheinbrücke take the next right on the yellow 2 and follow the Käfer. After the dam break, turn left at the next refuge. Along the concrete path until you come across the main path. There

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  8. 01:43
    17,0 km
    10,0 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Today there was a new variant of my favorite round (3-6-3). It goes back over the so-called concrete path. In terms of running, it is not as nice as the original. You can read the description in the original: komoot.de/tour/224370394

    Deviating from this, I followed the yellow 3 further this time and then

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  9. 02:14
    21,2 km
    9,5 km/h
    10 m
    20 m

    12 ° C, the ideal running temperature for me. It started as always at the pharmacy in Erfelden, then down Berliner Straße to the Old Rhine, right along to the bridge and over to the cooling head. Then follow the yellow three markings to the right to the Rhine. At the Guntersblum ferry terminal along

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  10. 01:04
    10,6 km
    10,0 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Today the "yellow 2" again, with the difference that I made a detour to the Hofgut today to see the progress of the renovation of the barn.

    Here is my description from last time:

    As usual, I start in Berliner Str. In Erfelden and follow it to the Altrheinufer, then right and then over the bridge. Then

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  11. 01:03
    10,4 km
    10,0 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Today we went on a shortened Kühkopf round.

    As usual, I start in Berliner Str. In Erfelden and follow it to the Altrheinufer, then right and then over the bridge. Then follow the first right and later right again the yellow 2. At km 4 turn left onto yellow 2 and then immediately right again. Then the

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  12. 01:23
    13,4 km
    9,7 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Today I show you a shortened version of my favorite round on the Kühkopf.

    Let's go in Bahnstr. Erfelden, at the entrance to the pharmacy. I follow Berliner Str. To the Altrhein and then walk right along the bank to the bridge. Enjoy the beautiful view of the Old Rhine over the bridge and then follow the

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  13. 01:46
    17,6 km
    9,9 km/h
    20 m
    20 m

    Today I show you my favorite round on the cooling head.

    Let's go in Bahnstr. Erfelden, at the entrance to the pharmacy. I follow Berliner Str. To the Altrhein and then walk right along the bank to the bridge. Enjoy the beautiful view of the Old Rhine over the bridge and then follow the next right and

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  14. 01:20
    13,7 km
    10,2 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    Today I chose a slightly longer variant of my standard tour, but it runs almost entirely in the forest. So if it's very hot, take this variant,

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  15. 01:06
    11,2 km
    10,2 km/h
    90 m
    90 m

    Garmin uploaded some strange data again. The route was actually just over 14 km.

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  16. 04:35
    16,9 km
    3,7 km/h
    120 m
    160 m

    Hmm there my old Garmin Forerunner 410 uploaded wrong data. Tour is correct, but I was only 1:16:11 and it should only be 12.5 km.

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  17. La torre di avvistamento si trova direttamente sulle rive dell'Altrhein, dove si dirama il Krönkesarm, ed è quindi perfetta per il birdwatching. Nella torre c'è un pannello informativo sugli uccelli acquatici che vivono qui.

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    Suggerimento by 🇺🇦Uwe 🏃‍♂️1098🏍

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  18. Buone possibilità di osservazione nella stagione riproduttiva e migratoria, a tutti i livelli dell'acqua. Questo affluente dell'Altrhein ha un collegamento diretto a monte ea valle con l'Erfeld Altrhein. A causa della formazione naturale di una soglia nel sistema, il deflusso viene ritardato, in modo che anche con livelli d'acqua bassi, l'acqua rimanga ancora davanti al punto di osservazione.Le osservazioni attuali possono essere trovate sotto il posto di osservazione Schlappeswörth e dintorni.

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    Suggerimento by 🇺🇦Uwe 🏃‍♂️1098🏍

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  19. Apfel-Lehr-Pfad

    Highlight – Corsa (Segmento)

    Il sentiero naturalistico delle mele nella riserva naturale di Kühkopf inizia nei pressi della tenuta Guntershausen e conduce per oltre 1,5 km tra numerosi meli, peri e noci. Diversi pannelli informativi forniscono informazioni lungo il percorso sui singoli tipi di frutta, compresa la loro origine e utilizzo. Le varietà di mele che crescono qui includono, ad esempio, Goldrenette Freiherr von Berlepsch, Ribstone Pepping, Weißer Matapfel e Rheinischer Winterrambur. Già in passato i frutteti facevano parte del Kühkopf. Tradizionalmente, le aste di frutta si svolgevano presso il vicino Hofgut Guntershausen. Oggi nell'intera riserva naturale sono presenti più di 2000 alberi da frutto.
    Fonte: online-destination.de/deutschland/hessisches-ried/stockstadt-apfellehrpfad.html

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    Suggerimento by 🇺🇦Uwe 🏃‍♂️1098🏍

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  20. Herrenstein auf dem Kühkopf

    Highlight – Corsa

    Il langravio Ludovico VIII d'Assia-Darmstadt, appassionato di caccia, visitava spesso Stockstadt e il Kühkopf. Dopo che Ludovico VIII passò da Stockstadt con il suo entourage a piedi attraverso il Reno ghiacciato il 10 marzo 1740, i due "Herrensteine" (Herrenstein) furono collocati sulle rispettive sponde del fiume per commemorare questo evento e sono sopravvissuti fino ad oggi.
    Il testo sul "grande Herrenstein", che si trova sul lato Stockstadt presso l'area sportiva sulla diga, recita:
    IL 10 MARZO
    Fonte: tourismus.hofgut-guntershausen.de/sehenswertes/die-stockstaedter-herrensteine

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    Suggerimento by 🇺🇦Uwe 🏃‍♂️1098🏍

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  21. Altri Tour e Highlight

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    235 km
  • Durata
    27:07 h
  • Dislivello
    400 m

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