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tristanbogaard ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

Vivi la tua avventura con l'app outdoor #1.


Tappa 2 – Il Wolf’s Lair


Tappa 2 – Il Wolf’s Lair

Tappa 2 – Il Wolf’s Lair

64,2 km
13,6 km/h
1.030 m
1.230 m
  • Salva una copia di questo percorso

Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
0 m
Waking up in Pescocostanzo
A cute little town worth visiting!
1,39 km
Tracing back to the Wolf's Lair route
2,91 km
Shoulder season means these towns... are pretty deserted!
6,15 km
Headed up a farmer's track
7,32 km
Can get muddy after rain
8,13 km
Gravel and a lot of flies
A LOT of flies!!
Tracing back to the road
12,4 km
Headed for forest on gravel
13,4 km
Following forest gravel
14,3 km
Keeps on graveling
15,3 km
Working fountain for fresh water
Plenty of camp spots here!
16,1 km
16,3 km
Section of asphalt
Where are the wolves?
Continuing on asphalt
17,8 km
Asphalt degrades
Forest path is upon us
19,1 km
Rocky surface, had to descend by foot
Trying it on two wheels, steep gradients
20,1 km
Following forest path
20,7 km
Our wide bars fit through, so yours will too
20,8 km
20,8 km
More rocky forest terrain
More descending by foot
21,6 km
More forest track
22,2 km
Back on smooth farmer's gravel
Excellent lunch spot
Climb on gravel
23,7 km
Horses hiding under a tree
25,6 km
Rain or no rain?
Mandatory bike-on-floor shot
Descend and small ascend to the main road
28,4 km
Back on main road, smooth asphalt
29,8 km
Descending the pass
30,5 km
Descending the pass
A new national park, with a tiny population of highly threatened bears living in it.
32,1 km
Restaurant on the pass, quick jacket change for the descend
37,3 km
40,6 km
View of Villetta Barrea
44,8 km
Entering Villetta Barrea
Fountain for fresh water
Curving downhill
Little break to wait for the rain to pass
59,7 km
Rain passed, time to find a camp spot
64,2 km
Camp spot found and ready for evening routine!
64,2 km



Dati del Tour


e hanno fatto un giro in bici da corsa.

5 settembre 2021


  • 27 ottobre 2021

    Giorno 2 della nostra avventura Wolf's Lair! Dopo un caffè mattutino a Pescocostanzo abbiamo proseguito il percorso verso ovest, ritrovandoci rapidamente in collina prima di una salita fino a 1700 m. Questa sezione del percorso non era stata esplorata da nessuno di noi (durante la mia corsa in solitaria

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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