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Trapper Jo ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Trapper Jo

Wanderung- Sacrower See

Trapper Jo

Wanderung- Sacrower See

Wanderung- Sacrower See

15,1 km
4,8 km/h
150 m
160 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
339 m
1,21 km
1,83 km
3,94 km
5,85 km
7,88 km
8,03 km
8,51 km
10,4 km
13,4 km

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15,1 km



Dati del Tour


ha fatto un'escursione.

19 luglio 2021


  • 19 luglio 2021

    There's nothing like starting the week with a Monday hike. My hike led me around the Sacrower See, through the Königswald, along a piece of the Havel and back to the Sacrower bathing beach. The weather was perfect today and the mosquitoes were gracious to me. I was rewarded by hiking trails close to

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  • 20 luglio 2021

    A great tour with beautiful pictures 👍 actually looks like a perfect start to the week☺️ The route record is a little reminiscent of Italy 🤭

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 21 luglio 2021

    Hello Lucy, very creative consideration of the whole. Maybe it was because there was pizza the night before. I can well imagine that there is a lot more activity on the weekends. But this calm everywhere was balm for me 🙏

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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