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Tanja ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

Vivi la tua avventura con l'app outdoor #1.


Oberalp - Lai da Tuma - Lai Urlaun - Oberalp


Oberalp - Lai da Tuma - Lai Urlaun - Oberalp

Oberalp - Lai da Tuma - Lai Urlaun - Oberalp

12,5 km
2,6 km/h
460 m
460 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
195 m
288 m
1,00 km
4,55 km

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12,5 km



Dati del Tour


ha fatto un'escursione.

12 luglio 2018


  • 16 luglio 2018

    super nice area, know me something because earlier in this area very often on the radiate. Congratulations on this tour. And of course, as always; beautiful pictures

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 18 luglio 2018

    Hello, would not have anything with the Do z tue. I'm on the go with my dog ​​and I want to make a bit of a breeze on the internet go luege ha but nothing found chasch you help me vlt witer?

    Thanks in advance and greetings

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 18 luglio 2018

    Hello everybody


    @ Toggi: Thank you very much.


    @Dario: We have made last year, the other side with the sky ladder: komoot.de/tour/21736621

    I personally would recommend the ladder ladders only limited with dogs. According to rumors, the Lisengrat should be better. If you take the hike: I would be very interested

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 20 luglio 2018

    Hallo Tanja,

    to the question concerning Lisengrat with dog. I know your Fifi from your always beautiful pictures. I would advise against this tour. There are a lot of high, deep steps, stairs and safety ropes there. some times you probably need your two hands for yourself, what should be done with the

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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