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SKW-E05 Gelting --> Maasholm


SKW-E05 Gelting --> Maasholm

SKW-E05 Gelting --> Maasholm

20,7 km
4,5 km/h
40 m
50 m
  • Salva una copia di questo percorso

Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
110 m
650 m
1,19 km
2,32 km
4,84 km
5,83 km
7,89 km
13,2 km
16,4 km
Mittag am Strand
18,4 km
19,9 km
20,7 km



Dati del Tour


ha fatto un'escursione.

24 aprile 2021


  • 24 aprile 2021

    È iniziato un po' più tardi oggi. Ho Torfkopp dimenticato di caricare l'orologio. 🥴🤫 Ho parcheggiato la bici a Maasholm nell'ampio parcheggio gratuito all'ingresso del paese. Poi sono partito alla Mühle Charlotte sulla Geltinger Birk per la tappa di 20 km di oggi. Già sulla strada per il parcheggio

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 25 aprile 2021

    Torfkopp is a nice word that I hadn't heard for a long time ... thank you for that alone. I once read a bit in your tours and find the idea of wandering the Baltic coast quite interesting. How will you do it if you can't get to the starting point within a day?

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 25 aprile 2021

    It should still work in Schleswig-Holstein. We have a caravan and will probably go on a short vacation to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania afterwards. Besides, I didn't set a time limit for myself. I definitely can't keep up with the current rate. If there are 1-2 stages a year, I have to be satisfied

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 25 aprile 2021

    With the caravan as a station you can of course graze a bit ... I always get a certain excitement when I tackle a new route ... and I think I'll get the idea of always setting up the bike at the end point at some point take over ... Toi, toi for the success of your plan Dein

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 19 luglio 2021

    You definitely make your hiking breaks more sumptuous than I mine. Crab Rolls !!

    The idea with the travel combination car / bike is smart. As a half hamburger, I currently have neither one nor the other. But it is also possible with the DB and tent, but requires more planning effort.

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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