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Sonnige Wanderung von Bordesholm nach Flintbek


Sonnige Wanderung von Bordesholm nach Flintbek

Sonnige Wanderung von Bordesholm nach Flintbek

17,0 km
5,2 km/h
90 m
90 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
1,08 km
Am Bahndamm in Bordesholm
2,13 km
Weg zum Bordesholmer See

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17,0 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

17 aprile 2021


  • 17 aprile 2021

    Fantastic weather and all the time in the world for a long hike. You will not be disappointed at the beautiful Bordesholmer See or on the famous Eidertal hiking trail. Both together are twice as good! As soon as we arrived in Flintbek, the train was already there for the return journey. A perfect Saturday afternoon!

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  • You did a really nice tour there 👍.

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