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Domas ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Frankenhöhe mit Tom


Frankenhöhe mit Tom

Frankenhöhe mit Tom

34,4 km
12,3 km/h
490 m
500 m
  • Salva una copia di questo percorso

Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
4,50 km
5,50 km
6,56 km
16,0 km
16,3 km
16,5 km
17,2 km
17,6 km
17,7 km
23,6 km
25,1 km
25,2 km
27,0 km
28,3 km
30,0 km

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34,4 km



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e hanno fatto un giro in MTB

27 febbraio 2016


  • 27 febbraio 2016

    Today we went with Tom on the Schußbachwald (very soggy way and trail) in the direction of Castle Hoheneck and on the Aurachtalradweg (forest road) back. Despite the (at the end) icy feet it was a great round.

    Coming soon, here's the link to the tour video.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 27 febbraio 2016

    Domas great pictures - with you was nice weather but cold feet; in other words Sch ...... cold brrrrrrrr


    Tradotto daVedi originale

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