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Riding to Santiago: Camino del Norte, day 2


Riding to Santiago: Camino del Norte, day 2

Riding to Santiago: Camino del Norte, day 2

38,3 km
12,1 km/h
920 m
550 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
2 m
This is a fantastic hotel to stay at!
1,30 km
2,38 km
4,05 km
So many dogs behind bars in this area!
6,16 km
What happens if we rub it?
8,24 km
8,96 km
9,44 km
Chatting with a local lady
Hi there!
Such sensitive and curious animals cows are :)
10,0 km
Following the shell
10,5 km
10,5 km
Magnetized my iPhone 11 with this Peak Design case so I can use it on the Moment tripod mount!
11,7 km
11,7 km
Petted him for about 20 minutes in the hopes of giving some joy.
This dog lives his life chained up.
More chained up dog alarm systems :(
14,1 km
Time for some gravel!
14,4 km
14,7 km
15,0 km
17,7 km
Coffee and tostadas, go-to second breakfast
Collecting stamps in order to get our certificate
18,0 km
19,0 km
Beautiful rolling hills and greenery!
19,6 km
19,7 km
20,0 km
Following a nice dirt track
Crossing a bridge
20,8 km
Climbing a grassy double track
Chained up for life donkey, in a fenced garden... why?
22,4 km
Why not chain up the cows as well
Entering gravel again
23,2 km
Beautiful forest track
24,1 km
Passing a nice Albergue, probably a great place to stay!
25,5 km
26,2 km
27,9 km
Checking the route progress
This picnic area looks like a great wild camping place!
29,2 km
Eucalyptus trees for paper
30,2 km
31,0 km
Farm goods for purchase
32,0 km
These forest tracks are the best!
38,6 km
Mega falafel and pita bread at Pote Kebab, Vilalba
Staying at the Parador in Vilalba tonight!
38,3 km



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e hanno fatto un giro in bici da corsa.

25 maggio 2022


  • 31 maggio 2022

    Il secondo giorno della nostra avventura Camino! e io siamo partiti dall'hotel Montero (un posto fantastico in cui soggiornare per una notte!) per pedalare per 38 km fino a Vilalba. Il tempo era migliorato e le nuvole fornivano una bella ombra fresca dal sole.


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