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Wanderung um das Wasserschloss Neuhaus


Wanderung um das Wasserschloss Neuhaus

Wanderung um das Wasserschloss Neuhaus

4,94 km
4,9 km/h
10 m
10 m
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Riepilogo Tour

517 m
680 m
1,43 km
1,99 km

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4,94 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

7 novembre 2015


  • 9 novembre 2015

    The almost 5 km long circular route starts in the parking lot in front of the hunting and fishing museum. He then leads past the moated castle (not to be visited!) To the pond chain. After that he briefly touches the B470 and returns in a wide arc back to the parking lot. Since it is partly identical

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