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Klappradtour zur Werkstatt und über Niesau-Deichweg und das Österreichviertel in Dessau-Süd 305a


Klappradtour zur Werkstatt und über Niesau-Deichweg und das Österreichviertel in Dessau-Süd 305a

Klappradtour zur Werkstatt und über Niesau-Deichweg und das Österreichviertel in Dessau-Süd 305a

30,4 km
6,4 km/h
180 m
190 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
480 m
3,52 km
7,90 km
11,6 km
11,6 km
18,5 km
22,2 km
23,1 km
28,8 km
29,5 km
29,8 km
30,1 km
30,6 km
30,7 km
30,4 km



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ha fatto un giro in bici.

8 marzo 2022


  • 9 marzo 2022

    Actually, I didn't want to do more than 10 km with the folding bike... The weather was okay with sun and moderate wind. Now a little dangling on the dike to Niesau and testing the quadrocopter and then picking up the Golf from the TÜV at the workshop. Then things turned out differently than planned

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  • 9 marzo 2022

    With the folding bike you don't travel that fast and you discover interesting historical things, for example at the former RAW Dessau...

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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