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Kirsten 🌺 ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Kirsten 🌺

🪶🦢🌾 NSG Ilmenau-Luhe-Niederung

Kirsten 🌺

🪶🦢🌾 NSG Ilmenau-Luhe-Niederung

🪶🦢🌾 NSG Ilmenau-Luhe-Niederung

13,3 km
5,0 km/h
70 m
70 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
266 m
266 m
Die Luhe
473 m
473 m
531 m
562 m
781 m
1,13 km
1,18 km
1,18 km
1,28 km
1,28 km
🥰🍰 NEIN! Nicht Kuchengasse sondern Buchengasse
1,38 km
1,45 km
1,49 km
1,51 km
1,55 km
1,56 km
1,74 km
1,97 km
2,03 km
Die Ilmenau
3,77 km
3,77 km
4,27 km
4,29 km
NSG Ilmenau-Luhe-Niederung
4,76 km
4,81 km
5,15 km
5,22 km
6,03 km
Blick zum Zollenspieker Fährhaus
6,61 km
6,76 km
6,76 km
1. Nurdachhaus
7,01 km
7,26 km
7,52 km
7,76 km
Historischer Stöckter Hafen 🛥⛵🚤
8,33 km
8,41 km
2. Nurdachhaus
Sunshine is my love
9,07 km
9,81 km
Ich glaube das ist eine Nilgans.
In Stöckte feiert man Faslam.
Wow, coole Idee!!
10,2 km
10,2 km
10,4 km
13,1 km
13,1 km
13,3 km
13,3 km

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13,3 km



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e hanno fatto un'escursione.

26 febbraio 2022


  • 26 febbraio 2022

    We have delivery and collection service today 🚕 👪🏼. So daughters brought to the starting point Kaltehofe (mammoth march 🦣). And once you're there, it's not that far to Winsen. After a little city exploration 🏘 we hiked along the NSG on unfortunately mostly paved paths to the Elbe. The view of the

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 26 febbraio 2022

    So there are all roof-only houses... 😆

    You made nice animal encounters today... especially the shaggy donkeys are great 😍

    Thank God the nature reserve is in Lower Saxony 😅

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 26 febbraio 2022

    Thank you for the trip southern Elbe! 👍

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 26 febbraio 2022

    Yes, some place names really hurt! Northern Germany is somehow overflowing with water and geese. Chic tour....📷👍🤩🔝👋👍

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 26 febbraio 2022

    Great, the storks are back. You can see them at eye level.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 26 febbraio 2022

    You could feel the spring in many of the photos!

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 26 febbraio 2022

    What advantages might only roof houses have? 🤔

    The pictures clearly show that spring is much further along in the south than here in the far north. Winsen is a beautiful city where a state garden show has already taken place.... 2006 🤔

    Nice round from you 👍🏻😎

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 27 febbraio 2022

    A great flutter. Hope you made it through the place quickly without getting hit!

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 27 febbraio 2022

    Great pictures 👍, a nice tour despite the asphalt. The many animals and then a pink panther 👍😊

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 27 febbraio 2022

    I'm thrilled 🤩 and saved the tour right away 🙃 When the weather is bright 🌞 the pictures are all the more impressive 👍 The musk oxen with the donkey mask and the storks - hammer ❣️

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • Look, I didn't even notice that it was mammoth march again. But now I know why so many people with backpacks walked through the west of Hamburg yesterday. I hope the little daughter survived everything well.

    And of course a pity, Kuchengasse would have been sensational.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 28 febbraio 2022

    Such beautiful pictures, I especially like picture 46.

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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