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Ulrich Welcker

Wanderung 13.02.2022, 17.25 Uhr mit Erlebniswandern Saarland Martin Bambach zur Mühlenbachschlucht bei Saarwellingen

Ulrich Welcker

Wanderung 13.02.2022, 17.25 Uhr mit Erlebniswandern Saarland Martin Bambach zur Mühlenbachschlucht bei Saarwellingen

Wanderung 13.02.2022, 17.25 Uhr mit Erlebniswandern Saarland Martin Bambach zur Mühlenbachschlucht bei Saarwellingen

12,8 km
4,5 km/h
160 m
150 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
487 m
1,74 km
1,92 km
4,22 km
5,70 km
Labacher Hof
6,81 km
8,13 km
8,13 km
8,75 km
9,97 km
wilder Weg
10,7 km
noch gefroren
11,4 km
12,7 km
12,8 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

13 febbraio 2022


  • 13 febbraio 2022

    Today a hike to the Mühlenbach Gorge was on the hiking menu. The Mühlenbach also had a lot of water, so the path through the gorge through many waterfalls was very impressive.


    Start and finish was at the parking lot at the Hoxbergalm. The refuge located there is closed until March 2022, so unfortunately

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