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Konsequenzen des Braunkohletagebaus am Beispiel Lützerath


Konsequenzen des Braunkohletagebaus am Beispiel Lützerath

Konsequenzen des Braunkohletagebaus am Beispiel Lützerath

2,46 km
3,5 km/h
10 m
0 m
  • Salva una copia di questo percorso

Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
11 m
21 m
31 m
418 m
418 m
542 m
563 m
1,30 km
1,60 km
2,14 km
2,20 km
2,22 km
2,25 km
2,25 km
2,36 km
2,37 km
2,39 km
2,43 km
2,46 km
2,46 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

13 febbraio 2022


  • 14 febbraio 2022

    Consequences of opencast lignite mining using the example of Lützerath.

    Since the topic is very emotional and complex, the following is essentially the basic information from Wikipedia. Two more Internet addresses for more in-depth supplementation.


    Lützerath is a small town (hamlet) and a district of Erkelenz

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 14 febbraio 2022

    On the other hand, those affected lodged a complaint with the Higher Administrative Court in Münster. Initially, the court wanted to make a decision by January 7, 2022. RWE Power had promised the court that it would refrain from evicting the complainants until then. On December 20, 2021, with a view

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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