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Sandra & Sem 🌻

[Hannover] Kleefeld - Hermann-Löns-Park & Annateiche

Sandra & Sem 🌻

[Hannover] Kleefeld - Hermann-Löns-Park & Annateiche

[Hannover] Kleefeld - Hermann-Löns-Park & Annateiche

7,88 km
4,2 km/h
60 m
60 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
763 m
1,63 km
1,66 km
2,24 km
2,33 km
2,51 km
2,66 km
3,26 km
3,76 km
3,84 km
3,85 km
3,91 km
4,83 km
4,84 km
5,39 km
7,02 km
7,02 km
Fitnessbereich mitten im Wald
7,88 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

19 dicembre 2021


  • 19 dicembre 2021

    Today we went to Hermann-Löns-Park and the Anna ponds in the best of bad weather. As the saying goes ... there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

    Cackling ducks on the ponds, herons on the bank, strollers with hoods pulled down over their faces, puffing joggers and dog owners with coat

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