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Kirsten 🌺

Kraniche im Huvenhoopsmoor

Kirsten 🌺

Kraniche im Huvenhoopsmoor

Kraniche im Huvenhoopsmoor

10,0 km
4,5 km/h
120 m
100 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
21 m
664 m
664 m
1,37 km
Noch ist kein Kranich in Sicht
2,50 km
2,61 km
Weiter geht es zum Moorturm
3,15 km
4,27 km
4,30 km
Der Moorturm
4,64 km
4,66 km
Blick vom Turm und immer noch keine Kraniche
Dafür aber ein schöner Regenbogen
6,62 km
7,75 km
7,94 km
Wieder zurück auf der Kranichschanze
7,97 km
7,99 km
Die ersten Kraniche sind in Sicht
9,44 km
10,0 km
Der Mond ist aufgegangen
10,0 km



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12 ottobre 2021


  • 12 ottobre 2021

    The template for this tour comes from Verena. Thank you very much for that 😘 We were very early on the observation tower and had already given up hope of seeing cranes. But when it got dark, whole swarms came flying by on the way to their sleeping places. Unfortunately the cranes have chosen a very

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 13 ottobre 2021

    How beautiful! 🥰😃 the moon is great too 🌜

    It was the same for us we were there "too early", but now you know for the next time

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 13 ottobre 2021

    If the journey wasn't so long, we would definitely go to the Kranichschanze one more time. That was already very impressive yesterday.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 13 ottobre 2021

    As attentive pedestrians, you can now and then see groups of cranes flying and calling over Hamburg 🔭 and beaming yourself into the Huvenhoopsmoor for a brief moment 😊

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  • 13 ottobre 2021

    Hello Bentul, this is a good idea 💡. I'll direct my senses to heaven. So far I've only ever seen wild geese and occasionally a stork or a heron. 🤗🙋🏼‍♀️

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 13 ottobre 2021

    The flocks of cranes are always impressive! It's always exciting when the noises announce themselves before you can see them clearly. Some have been breeding in the Buttermoor since 2012. But not as many as in your photos!

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  • Just back from vacation and again tirelessly in your hiking boots😁

    You took great pictures🤩And there was a bush lying around in the moor😅👍

    Were you in the area overnight?

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 14 ottobre 2021

    Hello Ulrike,

    actually we wanted to go to the Darß one day to see cranes. The Huvenhoopsmoor was closer to it and presented itself to us as a good alternative. The butter bog is practically on our doorstep. Maybe we should go there again. I believe that there are also cranes in Duvenstedter Brook.

    Greetings Kirsten 🤗

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 14 ottobre 2021

    Hello Ina,

    the Büx had to go with them, of course. We haven't found any for a long time. We were in the moor in the late afternoon. When it got really dark, we were luckily back at the car. This tour fitted in well with our schedule as Klaus is still on vacation this week. We just had to take advantage

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  • 14 ottobre 2021

    How nice, you can really hear them! (I always feel a little homesick with cranes ...) The flocks of cranes usually come home at dusk.

    If you ever make it to the Darß, I would recommend Zingst because of the cranes. Then you live, so to speak, among the swarms that fly in. They spend the night there in the Bodden waters.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 14 ottobre 2021

    Hello Kathrin,

    are you originally from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania? We once went on vacation to Zingst and thought it was very nice there. The lonely beaches 🏖 with the wind-fleders🌳 and the neat front doors are particularly remembered. But also the many mosquitoes 🦟🦟. In any case, a little trip

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  • 14 ottobre 2021

    Yes, I'm coming - with a Sunday afternoon excursion to the Darß. The Zingst crane experiences come more from a vacation on the Darß.

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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