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K. Bekehrty Straße - Franz-Karl Fernsicht - Mostalm - Hohe Wand - Stadtwanderweg 8


K. Bekehrty Straße - Franz-Karl Fernsicht - Mostalm - Hohe Wand - Stadtwanderweg 8

K. Bekehrty Straße - Franz-Karl Fernsicht - Mostalm - Hohe Wand - Stadtwanderweg 8

9,12 km
4,7 km/h
300 m
300 m
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Punto di partenza
6,85 km
7,62 km

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9,12 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

14 ottobre 2018


  • 14 ottobre 2018


    On such warm October Sundays, of course, the Karl Bekehrty road with parking lots is already tight, because I arrived with the KTM but no problem for me 😉.

    With the hope of a bit more sun than in the forest, we have chosen the gravel road to Rieglerhütte on which, however, there is also traffic

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  • 14 ottobre 2018

    ... At the top of the trail it is mostly very windy which is why many children in the meadows let their kites fly. The Mostalm was unfortunately overcrowded and the workforce was rotating. After an unusually long wait I was able to enjoy my meal in the wonderful autumn sun.

    Strengthened it went on Stadtwanderweg

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